Download Music off MySpace

Myspace recently updated their media player so that it's no longer possible to download music for free through the site. You might think that you can no longer download the songs you want, but there are still ways for you to get your hands on the music you love. Depending on how much money you want to spend, you have a few different options.


Use a "Membership" site

  1. Search for the "right" site for you. Most sites will give you a trial membership, allowing you to download a couple of songs without signing up for the site.
    • An example of good membership websites is For this article, we will download a song using file2hd.
  2. Go to File2HD will rip music from some websites for free, but they charge to do it from Myspace. The download will cost between 1.45€ and 8.70€ ($1.91 and $11.50) per month.
    • Get a free invitation code. File2HD will occasionally post free invite codes to their Twitter feed. Keep an eye on it.
  3. Purchase a subscription. Search "Premium File2HD" to find the page. Subscriptions are processed via PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, learn how to start one.
  4. Prepare the song for download. Paste the Myspace address into the URL field. Check "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service." Click the Audio bubble at the bottom. Click Get files.
  5. Check your selections. A list of possible files you could download will appear at the bottom of the page. Check the items you want.
  6. Convert files. File2HD will allow you the option to convert files. If you recognize the song you want but notice its file type is something other than MP3, click the convert box. Select "... to MP3" on the next page.
  7. Find the download. After you've started the download, it should pop up at the bottom of your page when it's finished. Again, File2HD should default to the Users/Documents/Music folder.

Download a Software Program

  1. Find the "right" program for you. Using a search engine, find "download program for MySpace music"
    • Some examples of good download programs include: FreeMusicZilla, Audacity and Musicjacker. For this article, we will download a song using Musicjacker.
  2. Download Musicjacker. Musicjacker currently offers a free trial, but to download several songs you have to purchase the $4.99 full download.
  3. Click the Musicjacker Tab. Once you've installed the program and opened it, you'll see two tabs at the top of the screen - Musicjacker and Musicscraper. Musicjacker is the tab you'll use to download music from Myspace.
  4. Paste the URL into the Media Finder. Beneath the Musicjacker tab is a search bar with a globe at the left. This is the Media Finder. Paste the address of the artist's Myspace page into the Media Finder and click Find Music.
  5. Select the songs you want. The Media Finder will bring up a window listing all the songs on that webpage. Check the ones you want and click Download.
    • Listen to a song before downloading. You can double-check that Media Finder has listed the songs you want by double-clicking on an item.
  6. Wait for the download. In the large white box, you'll see the song pop up and begin to download. When the percentage bar on the right reaches 100%, the download is complete. You can highlight the item and click Clear to remove it from the queue.
    • Change where your songs go. The Output Path beneath the download box indicates where your downloads are going. Unless you specify otherwise, Musicjacker should send files to C:\Users\[Your Name]\Documents\Music. Click the Options button to put files in a different location.

Buy Through MySpace

  1. Use the search engine at the top of the site. Type in the name of the song or band you want to find. It's going to be easier if you can search the exact title of the song you want.
  2. A results page will pop up. Select the "music" tab. It should be the third in this list: Myspace, People, music, videos, photos, games, and web.
  3. Scroll down to your song. Make sure that the artist matches up. Sometimes people will "remix" the songs, so listen through to the end to make sure that this is the version you want. Select the gray "buy" button next to your result.
  4. Select "iTunes" or "Amazon" to download the song. This will cost $1.29 and $0.99, respectively. Once you select, the site will automatically redirect you.
    • In iTunes, select "View in iTunes." This will automatically launch the program on your computer. From there, you can select "$1.29 Buy." The song will then download to your iTunes.
    • In Amazon, select "Buy MP3 Song with 1-Click." Sign into your Amazon account and it will automatically download.


  • Downloading files you don't own is illegal in most jurisdictions.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer
  • Access to the Internet
  • Subscription
  • Free Twitter invite code (optional)

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