Take a MySpace Picture
How to take a flattering Myspace picture
- Get a Myspace/Facebook/whatever web page by signing up. If you are already signed up, highlight members-only article information.
- Get a camera. Some point and shoot digital video cameras have still picture opportunities, so that may work too.
- Decide what sort of photo you want to take and how you are trying to come across.
- Find a spot with good lighting. You want to be front lit (meaning the lights are in front of you). If you are backlit (the lighting in back of you) it casts shadows on your face and makes it difficult to see the photos clearly.
- Decide if you want to take a mirror photo. Myspace photos in mirrors are very popular right now. To take a photo in the mirror, stand looking into a mirror, and take a photo of your reflection. Be careful not to block your face with the camera, and turn your flash off if you can or cover it up, because it will reflect/glare off the mirror and ruin the picture. If you don't have enough light, bring in more lights, or if you really need the flash, at least keep the camera as far away from your face as you can, because the glare will center around the camera and cover up your face. If you don't want to take it in the mirror, just aim the camera at yourself (this may take some practice to get a good picture) or have someone else take it, or set the camera on timed-release. (see tip #2)
- Upload picture on computer next if it is digital, or if you are getting film prints, request a photo CD or photo email. (If not available scan photo and crop to fit).
- Open in Photoshop or some other photo editing software. Windows Vista has a built in image adjuster. First, crop it if there's too much space around you, and fix any problems like red-eye, then play with it (cover your eyes, turn the photo black and white, Play with the colors, Put a colorful border, etc.). Find something you like. Don't overdo it though. Save the picture once you're satisfied.
- Right click on the file (in its folder) and click properties. If the size is bigger than 600KB, Myspace won't take it, so Open it up again and either resize, crop, or change the quality setting, and save it again. Repeat this step until it's small enough.
- Go to your Myspace homepage (the one when you first sign in, not the link you give to friends) click upload/change photos.Now there is a box that says "Upload photos". Click browse and find the file path of where your photo is. (Most likely it will be in your "My Photos" file, so first click My Documents, then click My Pictures, and now select the file). Once you double clicked on the file name it goes back to the original upload photo window. Click upload now. Your photo will appear below when it has finished uploading (the time it takes for a photo to upload varies depending on your Internet connection speed and the file size). If it has an error, try again until it works; Myspace is like that.
- Do the same with as many photos as you like. Add photos of you and friends. Remember that your photos represent who you are, so reflect this.
- Make sure you get ready for the picture properly. The best thing to do would be to take pictures on a day you are relaxed. Lay out the outfits with jewelry you would like beforehand.
- Take a hot bath. Massage your face with exfoliator until it is white and leave it there for ten minutes. Wait in a hot-tub. Then massage it some more and wait another ten minutes. After this, wash it off. Use a toner and lotion.
- Take a foundation lotion and rub it, spread it onto your palm. Then massage it into your face and neck. Wear powder if you choose.
- Wipe out lotion from your eyebrows. If you want, then wear eye shadow and eye liner. Make sure to include lip gloss.
- Wear your outfit. Straighten your hair if you choose. Drag down the hair until it is pulled downwards, then attempt to "curl" hair with the straightener. It actually will straighten the hair even more. Now brush your hair down with a bit of hairspray, if you so choose.
- Choose a place with good lighting and background. Then, ask someone to take the pictures.
- Try to make your default picture (the one that shows up on your main page) easily recognizable. That means pretty close up so people can see who you are when the picture is tiny. This way if someone you know is searching for people to add, they will see yours and know it's you.
- If you don't have a digital camera, there are websites online that let you use your webcam to take pictures.
- Look at other Myspace sites, and gather ideas, but don't copy anyone's picture ideas exactly.
- Even if you're not taking the picture in the mirror, it's still good to have one nearby. Use it to check yourself and make sure you're looking your best.
- Edit in Photoshop to get rid of red eye and basic editing or even to add captions or decorations.
- Goofy faces can add fun to the photo and variety.
- Snap several photos in different poses, so you have more to choose from.
- If you don't have Photoshop or other photo-editing software on your computer you can download one for free at Gimp.org. It has most of the tools available in the expensive software from stores. Play around with the software to learn it a bit before editing pictures to post.
- Make sure the picture centers on your face.
- In mirror pictures, look at the lenses, not the monitor or viewfinder! No one likes a picture where you're not even "looking" at the viewer!
- If you have a lot of pictures with friends, you can always make them into a colorful collage rather than having 30 photos in one album.
- If you want to take a traditional Myspace picture, look in a direction that's completely out of the photo. As mentioned above, don't look at the monitor/viewfinder/wall in front of you. If your eyes are off-focus, but still in the picture, it can look awkward.
- If using a photo with any other people in it, ask permission from the person in the photo first.
- Have fun! Be yourself!
- Uploading photos may not be safe. If you or your parents feel uncomfortable of you uploading photos online, don't do it. Keep it blank or get a picture from Google that represents who you are. Try not to take a pictures that determines location... don't take pictures with street signs, your house number, towns water tower, etc.
- Don't allow any information to appear in your pictures that could tell someone where you live or anything else that would make it easy for stalkers to find you. If it's there, crop it out or cover it up. Basic rule of thumb: if you wouldn't type it in your profile, don't have it in your picture.
- Don't upload any pictures you didn't take unless you have permission from the photographer. The upload page specifically asks not to use copyrighted files.
Things You'll Need
- Camera (webcam, film camera, point and shoot digital video camera, [this requires a scanner also] or a digital camera)
- Well-lit area
- Clean Mirror (optional for picture but recommended to have close at hand)
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