Draw a Tulip

This tutorial will teach you how to draw realistic and cute cartoon tulips. Let’s begin!


Realistic Tulips

  1. Draw an oval for the tulip's petal guideline. Draw a wavy line for the stalk.
  2. Next, draw the guideline for the leaves. To draw these, draw three simple leaf shapes that are pointed at the top and bottom. The bottom points intersect with the stalk's base.
  3. Draw the final shape of the tulip. To make the tulip's head, draw a smaller oval for the first petal and crescent shapes for the other two petals. Thicken the stalk and draw the three-leaf blades using the leaf guideline.
  4. Erase all guidelines.
  5. Color the tulip.

Cute Cartoon Tulips

  1. Draw a fork-like shape for your tulip's outline.
  2. Thicken the stalk and draw irregular ovals for the leaves.
  3. Color your tulip with colors of your choice. Erase your guidelines.
  4. Draw details for the tulip. You can draw a face with a smile. Detail the leaves with a dark green center.
  5. You can also experiment with other colors and polka dots!

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