Drive to Help Someone Follow You
The whole group is going out to eat, and there are enough of you that you'll be in more than one car. To get there together, you'll lead the caravan and another car or cars will follow. If you're leading, there are some simple things you can do to help those following to keep up.
- Prepare for possible separation.
- Take a count of all of the individuals in the group. You will use this again when you get ready to depart from any rest or fuel stops along the way and, again, before you start the return trip home. The count will help ensure that everybody is on board the caravan before all departures.
- Before you set out, make sure that a communications coordinator has a way to contact at least one person in each vehicle. Cell phone numbers can be written on a sheet that is passed around or they can be programmed into the coordinator's phone. It is helpful to verify that each number is correct before you leave. This process only takes a moment, but can save a lot of grief and aggravation down the road.
- Make sure each driver knows where the group is going. Before anyone drives off, discuss the address, the name of the restaurant (or other destination), and the intended route.
- Put someone who knows the way into each car, even if they're not driving. Alternatively, make sure there's a map or GPS in each car.
- Allow time while leaving. If two or more cars' worth of people have to leave together, there will likely be extra time involved in getting everyone into their respective cars, finding seat belts, and so on. Be patient, and don't drive off before the cars following you are ready.
- Drive at a moderate speed. You don't have to go far below the speed limit, but don't go racing ahead, either.
- Signal your intentions well in advance. Even if you're sometimes lazy about signalling, make sure you use your turn signals for this trip.
- Make lane changes with plenty of time and room to spare.
- Anticipate stoplights and stop if you think they will turn red before you or the following cars get through them.
- Pedestrian countdown timers can give you a good clue about when a light is about turn yellow.
- Watch behind you. Every so often, glance in your mirrors to make sure the car that is following is still there, and that it makes the lane changes and gets through lights when you do.
- Pull over and wait. If you're aware that the car following you is no longer behind you, or if you did end up going through an intersection just as the light turned red, pull over where and when it is safe to do so, and wait for the light to change or for the following car to catch up.
- Get the app. Waze has tools to help keep groups together.
- Make sure nobody is left behind. It's easiest if everyone returns to the same car in which they arrived. If some are switching cars or getting home some other way, make sure to communicate those things clearly.
- Don't stop or drive too slowly if it's not safe to do so. If you get separated, you can reconnect later.
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