Easily Lift a Dinghy Outboard Onto a Sailboat
A safe EZ way to lift your dinghy's outboard.
- Attach a snatch block to the end of your boom.
- Tie dinghy so that the outboard sits under the end of the boom, when boom is held over the water.
- Attach lifting line to outboard, run through snatch block and cleat line(to prevent outboard dropping into sea).
- Loosen outboard mounts and raise outboard with lifting line. When outboard clears deck, swing inboard and lower.
- This is easiest with 2, but 1 can do it.
- Be sure to cleat lifting line and prevent accidentally dropping in sea.
- Use safe lift techniques...Do NOT get directly under lift,Use control lines if needed, watch for wave induced swinging of load.
- Mare Liberum