Enjoy Minecraft

Minecraft is an amazing and fun 3D sandbox game. Some people believe that others who play this game are immature or childish, but Minecraft has something for everyone. Whether you're an animal lover; decorator; or survival junkie, you can play to your fullest imagination. So how do we enjoy this game? No need to break down in frustration every time you die or get emotional when your creation has failed. Just read below.


  1. Be/Feel Creative. Minecraft is a sandbox game in which you can do anything you want to regardless of the version (Classic, Alpha, Beta, Full release).
  2. Get to know the controls. The controls might be difficult to handle for some people, but you can always change them! If you want to look around, you need to move your mouse around. If you wish to destroy blocks, hold left mouse button until the block breaks. To place a block, click the right mouse button. You can interact with some blocks by pressing the right mouse button without a placeable block in your hand.
  3. Have fun any possible way. When you feel bored in Minecraft, you can always explore other caves, install some mods, learn how Redstone works and build to whatever you desire. You could even create hidden corridors, gather even more resources, look for villages and trade with the villagers.
  4. Get some mods and/or texture packs. These can help enhance your experience in Minecraft by changing textures or certain aspects of gameplay. Mods can add dinosaurs, wands, better dungeons, mythical creatures and basically anything to the game. There are even mods for purple dirt!
    • You can find both on the Minecraft forums and Planet Minecraft.
  5. Find your most suitable settings. If you wish to avoid enemies and have the most peaceful experience in Minecraft, you could turn your difficulty to peaceful. If you're not interested in surviving, or you want to test (Redstone) creations before you build it in your survival world, you could always start a creative world.
  6. Play multiplayer. This can give you several new modes of gameplay such as economy and hunger games. You can look on Planet Minecraft or Minecraft-servers for servers to play on.
  7. Play over a LAN. This allows you to play with friends over your own WiFi including if you have mods.


  • Add gunpowder to a potion in a brewing stand to get a splash potion.
  • Try downloading an adventure map or a parkour course. These are puzzles or buildings people made for you to play on!
  • If you do get bored with Minecraft, stop playing it for a few weeks. After taking a break like that, you won't believe you ever got bored with Minecraft!
  • You can get tamed animals like Get-a-Pet-Cat/Dog-in-Minecraft, and Tame-a-Horse-in-Minecraft-PC They are cute and fun. Unfortunately, they tend to die a lot, especially dogs.
  • Try hosting a server to play with your friends, or play with your family over LAN.
  • Try building a swimming pool of water or lava.
  • Minecraft is completely peaceful game once you set your difficulty to peaceful.


  • When playing multiplayer, don't grief (destroy) other structures that belong to other people unless you have been given permission by the owner.
  • Take frequent breaks. Playing Minecraft for a long period of time can be unhealthy.
  • In survival, there are many dangers! (Monsters, falling, lava, etc.)

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