Find a Job Quickly

In this competitive working world and cost-cutting corporate tendency world, it is quite hard to find a job within ONE week. However , if you are not picky and not necessarily must find a job matches with your qualification, you can find a decent albeit low paid job within a week. Here is how:


  1. Take advantage of the Holiday Season (season of shopping between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year) and followed by Valentine. Go Brick-and-Mortar Retail! Walk in to the stores and find whether there is seasonal job opening. If yes, take the interview and ace it. Once you get in you can build your reputation and later you might ask for more full time opportunities if there is any in the future.
  2. Go for online Retailers! Yes, they need to get more customer services, packing and shipment, and inventory control. Just browse their sites and look for posted opportunities if there is any. If you happen to live within their locations, stop by and ask whether there is opening.
  3. Go for Shipping Companies! You might get fast job by applying to work in companies such as FedEx, UPS, D.H.L, etc.
  4. Go for Third Shift! Yes, the one that requires you to stay up all night. Many people are reluctant to take a 3rd shift job so your chance to compete is better.
  5. Prepare yourself for a consistent and honest interview about yourself, what you can bring to the table and your motivation to work hard. Do not underestimate even though the job might looks small to you.

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