Find a Job in England

Unemployed, living in England and you have just searched endlessly and are somewhat stuck as to where to look next for a job. This article will provide some insight as to how you can complete your journey to employment.


  1. Think about what type of work you are searching for. Are you looking for full time or part time? You have to bear in mind that your chosen employment must fit around your lifestyle.
    • If you're a student, for example, know that having a part time job could affect the grade(s) that you end up with as you have less time for studying.
    • With grades and qualifications mentioned, don't fret too much about them. If an employer has examined your curriculum vitae and wishes to interview you, it means that they liked what they saw; meaning that you can focus solely on making a great first impression.
  2. Make thoughts as to why you are seeking employment. This will involve analyzing your needs/values and placing them in order; is your wanted job for financial gain only, do you wish to explore a certain career path or are you not entirely bothered?
  3. Have your curriculum vitae up to date. It's very important that all of your information is up to date in order for an employer to both contact you and have a realistic idea of who they may be potentially hiring.[1]
    • If you're attempting to explore a certain career path, it may be best to tailor your curriculum vitae to include information favourable by that kind of employer. For example, if you are applying for a job involving business, you could include that your interests involve keeping up to date on worldwide business affairs.
  4. Create several copies of your curriculum vitae. In this case, the more, the merrier! Having a larger quantity of curriculum vitae to send/post/give to potential employers will improve your chances of finding what you're searching for. Think of it as a form of self advertisement.
  5. Research the job. Making a background search of a company and obtaining information regarding the company's ethics, business sector, requirements and job possibilities can provide you with an edge in future interviews. It can also proof to be a good pointer if you want to apply to that particular job or not.[2]
  6. Set out applying for jobs with a positive mindset. Depending on the type of job you are searching for, the distribution of your large number of curriculum vitaes could involve face to face interaction with a possible future colleague or employer. Remain yourself but aim to show that you are confident in your ability to do the job in question.[3]
    • There are multiple ways to go about sending out your curriculum vitae:
      • Handing out physical copies. Meaning that you go into various locations handing in your curriculum vitae. Even if there are currently no jobs available, it's still a great idea to hand it in so when the opportunity arises, you could be contacted.
      • Applying to a job agency. Simply find a job agency in your area, bring your passport, curriculum vitae, fill out the forms provided in order to make an account for you and then simply wait to be contacted while the agency searches for you. (Note that the agency will take a commission fee from your wage/salary.
      • Online distribution. This involves some meticulous searching on your part, use search engines to your full advantage and applying and send your curriculum vitae off to as many email addresses and websites as possible. However, be sure to fully understand the terms and conditions prior to sending your curriculum vitae off to a job search website.
      • Head over to the Job Centre Plus. The Job Centre is a government institution in England that has information about current vacancies in your area. Additionally, the Job Centre is a great place to visit to inquire whether you are eligible for a grant or other government scheme. It is also possible to arrange a cost free meeting with a career consultant to discuss your possibilities with.[4]
        • If things are getting tough financially due to unemployment, you can also claim a job seekers allowance. This is a government scheme that is paid into your bank account and also provides excellent tools to find your way to employment. To make a claim, simply visit the official government website.
  7. Be persistent. Achieving employment as quick as possible and turn job applications into a temporary part of your daily routine will decrease the time this will take.
  8. Have patience and wait for job offers. Keep a close eye on all of your forms of contact for the period after applying to jobs, being contactable and reliable may also give some clear indications to an employer, too.
  9. Attend interviews. Remain positive and believe in yourself and all of your hard work will pay off. Don't be afraid to show off your positive attributes and your knowledge of the job in question.[5]
    • Be sure to research the company that you are applying for prior to your interview. This information can help you understand what the interviewer/employer is looking for and also how you go about making your first impression within your interview.[6]


  • Ask employed friends if there are any current vacancies in their workplace. This could provide them with benefits and you with a job.
  • Plan the route from your home to your desired workplace.
    • Can you get there and back?
    • Is there public transport?
  • Don't have high expectations of getting your ideal first job. You may have to start from the bottom to work your way up.
  • Simply calling up various businesses (especially smaller ones as larger organizations tend to have online application schemes) is also a great way to net yourself an interview.


  • Job search usually comes with some form of rejection; you shouldn't let this dishearten you as it's the employers loss!

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