Get Into an Aircraft Cockpit (for Kids)

Letting your kids visit the cockpit can be the perfect treat for cooperating before or after a long flight. This article will offer tips on how to get in.


  1. As you pass the cockpit, peek in! Hopefully, the pilots or one of the flight attendants will notice your child's curiosity and invite them to peek around the cockpit.
  2. If they don't notice, keep trying to look in but don't stay in the front foyer long. Don't make the flight attendants suspicious. Ask for permission to see the cockpit if you're not invited in.
    • Success generally depends on the proximity to the departure time. The closer to that time, the busier the pilots are and often cannot afford a visit. However, many pilots welcome the opportunity to have kids visit and to answer questions. Aviation is in their blood, and most pilots love to share their professional passion.
  3. As you board, step into the galley and address the lead flight attendant who is generally the one closest to the door. Ask him or her politely, "Hi, I'm very interested in aviation. Do you mind if I step into the flight deck and say hello to the pilots?" Make sure you ask the flight attendant and do not just step into the flight deck. Although not illegal, it will not put you in the good graces of the cabin crew.
  4. At this point the flight attendant will either usher you into the flight deck or knock on the door and ask the pilots if they have time for a visit. As mentioned before, if the time is close to departure or the pilots are behind schedule you may not get a productive visit. Don't take this personally - wait until the flight is over and then ask to visit.
  5. When you step into the flight deck, look to see if the pilots are busy with a checklist or a briefing. If they are, it's best to wait until they are done. These tasks are very important and generally need to progress uninterrupted. When the pilots are done with their chores, knock on the door and say politely something like, "Hi, I'm really interested in aviation. Do you mind if I look around/ask a few questions?" Most, if not all pilots, will happily answer questions or show you the airplane if time permits.
  6. If time is short you can always wait until the flight is over and then come up to visit. The procedure is the same.


  • Politeness goes a long way! Also, it never hurts to ask if you can take a picture of yourself or your children in one of the pilots seats. The worst that can happen is the pilot says no.


  • Do not touch the controls. You will get into big trouble with the authorities.
  • Always ask the flight attendant if you can go up into the flight deck to visit. Flight attendants are part of the security team and may misinterpret your intentions if you just walk past them into the flight deck.

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