Get Your Crush to Like You

It's really easy to crush on someone, but it's not easy to get your crush to like you back! This article will provide an easy way to get him/her to notice you.


  1. Be noticeable. The first thing you've got to do is make yourself the kind of person that people notice and want to be around! This is the best way to get and keep your crush's attention. Get up off the couch and start doing things with your life! This will give you something to be proud about, something to talk about, and show others the full, complex person that you are. If he/she says that you're ugly, ask him/her the truth somewhere private.
    • You can volunteer, pick up a new hobby, join a club, get a job, or any number of other activities. Everyone loves it when one of their friends has the same interests as them. Just make sure to only join activities you want to join, and don't be forced to do something you don't want to.
  2. Be positive. No one wants to deal with someone who's always complaining or who constantly says bad things about other people. Instead of only seeing the bad things in life, bring out the good in everything and everyone around you. Find the positive spin or lessons to be learned from bad situations. Your crush will notice and feel much better about your positive personality.
  3. Be nice. No one wants to date someone who might say bad things about them or be mean to them. Show your crush  that's not you by being nice, not only to them but to everyone around you. Help people, always have a kind word for someone who needs one, compliment people, and find other ways to be nice too. If they look bad, or you don't like their shoes, Just tell them politely or just don't look at their clothes. For example, smile and be friendly! And just be yourself around them!
  4. Be clean. Take care of your body. This shows that you care about and value yourself, showing others that you are worth caring about and valuing. Wear clean clothes with no holes or stains, wash your hair and body regularly, take good care of your skin and exercise as much as you can. Your crush won't want to be around you if you don't look or smell nice.
  5. Be yourself. You want your crush to like you for who you are, so always be yourself. Don't change yourself or try to be someone you're not. People can usually tell and you'll only make yourself frustrated and sad. Don't let a crush change who you are! Do the things that you enjoy and if anyone doesn't like it, then they aren't worth your time.Who knows maybe he likes it when you act like yourself!
  6. Be confident. Everyone likes someone who's confident. This is a very attractive quality for boys and girls! Of course, you don't have to actually be confident. Most people aren't, even if they seem like they are. Treat yourself well, don't constantly apologize to everyone, and get out there and do the things that make you you.
  7. Wear nice clothes. Some great clothes will certainly capture attention. Wear clothes that fit the current fashions but also are flattering to your coloring and the shape of your body. You don't have to break the bank, either. Try resale or thrift shops in trendy areas or nearby colleges or universities for stylish clothes on the cheap side.
  8. Act like you don't care. Don't be clingy or desperate. This will make your crush think you have issues they really don't want to deal with. Instead, put on an air of cool. If they don't seem like they want to talk to you, go talk to someone else. Throw parties and don't invite them until the last minute. Show them that you have your own life and that your world doesn't revolve around cataloging every time they so much as sneeze.
  9. Be easy-going and approachable. You don't want to intimidate your crush. Maybe they already like you but they're worried you'll blow them off or bite their head off if they try to talk to you or ask you out! Be friendly, don't over-react to things, and definitely don't act like a jerk if someone else that you don't like asks you out on a date.
  10. Let your crush see you with other guys/girls. Let them see you talking to and hanging out with other members of the gender you prefer to date. They need to see that you have other options and that you know you have other options. This will make you more desirable.
  11. Talk to him or her! Of course, the best way to get their attention is to talk to them! They might not even know you exist if you're too shy, so get out there and have a conversation with them. Ask them about what they're doing this weekend, or how their day went. Ask them about things you're doing in school or their opinion on the latest football match. Anything that gets the two of you talking is great.

Making Your Crush Interested

  1. Get to know him or her more. No one is going to fall head over heels for someone they don't know and that they know doesn't know them! Get to know your crush, beyond the absolute basics (birthday, favorite color, etc) and learn what really makes them tick. Of course, the best way to do that is to communicate with them.
  2. Find common interests. Find things you have in common. This will give you something to talk about but it will also give you something to bond over. You'll be friends before you know it and a friendship is much easier to build on. You can compare interests, learn their interests just by paying attention, or you can explore the things they like. Who knows, maybe you'll find that you really like their taste!
  3. Be a good friend. The qualities of a good friend are also the qualities of a good boyfriend or girlfriend, so start by being a good friend so that your crush can see what they have to look forward to. They say that the person you date should be your best friend, so it's probably a good idea to set the bar high, right?
    • You can be supportive when they're feeling down, help them whenever you can, be fun and help them relax, make them laugh (especially when they're having a bad day), and generally be a good friend.
  4. Create trust. There needs to be trust, in order for real romantic feelings to develop (and stick around). Never reveal a secret they tell you, don't generally go around telling people their business, and be someone that they can come to with their problems without having to worry about being laughed at or judged.
  5. Give him or her space. Give them the space to go out and do the things that they want to do. One fear that a lot of people have about dating is that the demand on their time and affection will mean that they won't be able to hang out with their friends or on their own as much, and that they won't get the time to do the things that they want to do. Give your crush some space and alone time and they'll see that you value their happiness above your own.
  6. Flirt! Well, they need to know that you like them, don't they? Flirt with them and show them that you are definitely interested. This will tell them that they can return your feelings without having to worry as much about rejection. But don't flirt too much. Maybe tell them give them a reason to think about you, but not to early or they will just back away.
  7. Afterwards. If things don't work out, don't get discouraged. This doesn't mean you can't be friends. Later on, that person may feel they, too, like you and finally hit things off. Now, if things are going downhill once your relationship starts, talk to your crush about it. If you think you need a break, tell them. If they find out that you are being a little shaky, but you aren't being honest about it, the relationship will come to a stop. Breakups are the worst, so don't let that happen to you!


  • The zones are sometimes true. For example, if he picks up a pencil or paper you dropped, and he touches your hand when he is giving it back to you, it may be a little more. If you catch him staring at you a lot, congratulations! You got his attention, and it may be a budding romance.
  • Be yourself! Don't change yourself for a crush, because if things don't work out, you'll be left with nothing but a fake poser in the mirror. You are good enough to not have to alter who you are, which is much more important than becoming something you're not.
  • There are always zones. Here are ways to tell them:
    • When he touches you from shoulder to elbow, that is the friend zone.
    • When he touches you from elbow to wrist, that's the transforming zone.
    • When he touches you from wrist to finger tips, he likes you.
  • Don't let your crush influence you to be a different person.
  • Girls- Wear your cutest clothes that make you feel beautiful! Show off your curves and femininity in what you wear. Try not to dress to overly-reveal though-- There's nothing sexy about letting it all hang out for the world to see. After you're friends, the guy will know you! If you're not a girly girl don't be! Some guys like stronger/sporty girls better than girly girls! But don't overdo it! Don't force yourself to do what the other girls are doing! If he's a true guy, he will like you the way you are! Just give him hugs if you like him but don't be sad. You'll have more crushes and maybe they'll end up liking you
  • Don't get all happy when he helps you pick up a bag or something like that. Keep calm and be grateful.
  • Make sure that your crush sees you. Sometimes you don't get to talk to him/her but if you try to walk past them a lot, maybe they will notice you.
  • If you make a fool out of yourself In front of your crush, don't be embarrassed! Sometimes, it's a turn on.
  • Be yourself. If a guy knows you as the person you pretend to be he will be confused (maybe even angry) if you act like a differently when your together.
  • Dress up a little! Do-up your make-up or wear your favorite cologne or perfume (make sure neither are over-powering, though).
  • In the end, it's all about you. Don't be crushed if you don't win your crush's heart. After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
  • Guys- Be clean! Girls love it if a guy has good hair, so be sure to condition and shampoo thoroughly. And please, wear deodorant and some nice cologne!! Hate to break it to you, but your "inner-man-stink" isn't a turn-on. Wear what compliments you! (Get another girl's opinion. This will help.) Choose that blue shirt that matches your eyes or those cute jeans.
  • If she doesn't want to be your friend anymore, just act cool and don't overreact.
  • If your crush is shy, it's okay! Try to pick a subject you both enjoy and get them talking!
  • Laugh with him/her and hang out around him with your other friends.
  • Hang out together every once in a while.
  • Give them space, don't make it seem like they are yours and they can only talk to you.
  • Don't use a face of makeup around him! Some guys enjoy a girl not caring about people's opinions on them. That makes them think she isn't afraid to show herself around others.
  • Find common interests! Do things that you both like to do during your free time!
  • If it's a girl make her laugh and tell her she is beautiful or lovely.
  • Try to become friends with him/her first.
  • Don't throw yourself at people and just be yourself.
  • If you are mean to the guy,he won't understand he will just hate you and avoid you.
  • If they're hanging out with their friends don't bother them because they may get annoyed.
  • Be nice and kind if you are mean they will not like you.
  • Don't overdo it, as you might make mistakes or leave a negative impression.
  • Sometimes, if you text/ring/talk to them too often, it will feel obsessive and stalkerish. Ease off sometimes, especially if one of you is upset or annoyed about something. Make it look like you are laid back or cool.
    • Never greatly exceed the amount of contact your crush elicits. Its alright to be the one who starts the conversation (some people are outwardly shy, and others may appear outgoing but don't like starting conversations often because they fear people will be irritated by it), but don't keep pushing conversations where you're doing all of the talking. If your crush isn't making an effort to keep the conversation going (or even trying to end it), that's a sign you should immediately back off and give them space. Make sure you give the impression that you're still open to conversation when they feel like it (i.e "I can walk with you after class if you feel like it, but it's alright if you need to rush to next."), but don't make any new attempts to initiate until you get some more positive signs.
  • Don't let your friends influence you to not talk to your crush. Chances are, you will regret it.
  • In order to date your crush become their friend first.
  • Try to talk to him first before you try flirting with him so he gets to know you better.
  • Be relaxed. If you are, your crush will probably also be (if he/she likes you). When you and your crush are both relaxed and alone you can ask for an relationship. Just stay relaxed, a relationship isn't nice when you're stressed or nervous.
  • Be yourself you don't need to act any different then you already are, because guys should like you for who you are, not how you dress or act.
  • Tell him that you love him.
  • Be nice.
  • Do not stare at your crush too much or because he/she might feel uncomfortable and will think you have issues.
  • Give your crush signs like smile while he looks at you.
  • Try to be funny around them.
  • Get to know him more and at least chat with him/her. Don't get freaked out when he/she talks to you. Be yourself and don't try to change for him/her.
  • Don't walk past him or her too often; they might think you're stalking them and they might get annoyed.