Get a Girl to Dump Her Boyfriend and Go out With You

Usually, a girl that is unhappy with her current boyfriend will look to someone they know and trust for some TLC (Tender Loving Care). Hopefully, that is you in this situation!


  1. Discuss her current boyfriend with her, find out why she doesn't like him, and spend some time verbally abusing him when he is not around. If she is scared to break up for fear of violence, tell her not to worry, you'll protect her.
  2. Spend as much time as possible with her, but do not show your downright devotion for her yet. That will come later. If you are somewhere like the movies or a friend's house and she is tired, then sit down next to her. She usually won't mind. If you are lucky, she might see something she likes in you, and put her head on your chest or shoulder.
  3. Get some person you know to talk with her, and to tell her that she should dump her boyfriend and go out with you. If this works, then you have a new girlfriend! If this doesn't work, try again later.
  4. If she does decide to start dating you, then immediately start planning a date with her. Something nice: like the movies, or a park, or if possible, the beach. Spend lots of time with her, make her feel loved and wanted.
  5. Now that you have her as your girlfriend, you will want to try to see her as much as possible, but don't forget to give her space as well! If she goes to another school, or lives in another city, then Facebook, Twitter, Skype, or ooVoo, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Texting, Hotmail, etc. are great ways of keeping in touch and planning your dates.


  • Lots of hugs! Kisses, if she is ready for that.
  • Send little love notes!


  • Never ever touch her butt or lower regions or breasts unless you are absolutely sure that she is okay with that.
  • Never, never, never kiss her before she is ready. This is the one thing that will end your relationship on the spot! Just take it slowly!

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