Get a Good Job if You Had Bad Grades in High School

Even if you had bad grades in high school, you can get a good job by enrolling in online college courses. While traditional college classes may require an outstanding transcript, distance learning is geared toward all learners. Because you can take online courses at your own pace, you have a greater chance of succeeding and reaching your goals so you can put high school behind you once and for all.


  1. Choose the right online school to attend and make sure it is accredited. Avoid “degree mills” that may seem easy but issue degrees worth little more than the paper they are printed on. Do a background check to make sure you are dealing with a legitimate educational institution.
  2. Communicate with your prospective college. Discuss your learning difficulties and the accessibility of instructors to handle questions and go over assignments. Select a college that offers various ways to contact your instructors, such as an email address and an office telephone number. The online college you choose should have interactive opportunities with instructors and other students to enhance your ability to learn.
  3. Find out of the online college you want to attend has other learning resources. Often online college have resources such as online libraries, podcast, chat rooms and tutors to enhance your learning experience and help you through the tough times. Choose a college with plenty of resources you can turn to when you need extra help.
  4. Select a major you really like. When you have learning problems, they are often minimized by choosing subjects you really enjoy and want to find out more about. Passion is at the root of all successful career endeavors and can even be more important than a superior ability to learn.
  5. Make sure you have access to the necessary technology to complete your coursework. Access to a computer with Internet access is essential for online learning. You should also have a quiet place to work with minimal distractions to enable you to concentrate and do your best work.
  6. Start slowly and take one or two classes until you are accustomed to distance learning. For every one hour of class time, you will have three hours of homework so don't overextend yourself during your first semester at online college. By taking on too many classes, you may get discouraged. Start slowly and take one or two classes until you get used to what you need to do to accomplish your educational goals.


  • With people that interview you, make a good impression. Show them that you've improved since your teenage days.
  • Communicate constantly with your instructors and other students. Although you are in a virtual learning environment, you can still stay connected to your instructors and classmates through email and chat rooms. Consider starting your own study group where you can discuss assignments and share ideas.
  • Keep your goals in sight. Although learning can be hard sometimes, remember that your goal of completing your education so you can get a good job.
  • Although online education allows slow learners to achieve their goals at their own pace, self-motivation is a key element to success. Since you will not be required to attend a traditional classroom where you constantly see your teacher, you will have to set your own schedule for completing required coursework and stick to it.
  • Take a break and reward yourself. After you complete a difficult assignment, take an hour to enjoy your favorite hobby or television show.
  • Keep track of your work by using a calendar or online scheduling system so you don't forget assignments.


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