Get a Job As Schizoid

Steps to find out where you belong and follow your dreams to be successful.


  1. Recognize that it's okay to be different. Some people view their personality disorder as a personality type, while others consider it a disability. Both viewpoints are okay. It's okay to be abnormal, and it's okay to be disabled. You can still be a productive and happy member of society.
  2. Get support as early as possible. Therapy can help you manage your disorder and learn to adapt to a neurotypical world. Find a group of schizoid people online, and trade stories and advice. They are going through the same thing. You can also get a support network of caring friends and family members (if desired).
    • Therapy may not be an option if you don't have enough money. If so, ask other schizoid people what their best coping mechanisms are. You can learn therapy tricks from them!
  3. Get evaluated by a career specialist. These people are available in colleges, and you can also take career aptitude tests online. These can help you figure out what a good job is for you.
  4. Consider how much social interaction you want out of a job. Which jobs are most solitary? How much are you willing to interact with people? Where would you feel most comfortable and confident? It's important to find a career best tailored to your individual strengths and weaknesses, and your schizoid personality disorder is a part of that.
    • Don't pick a job where you will be miserable because of the social expectations.
    • It is okay to stretch yourself a little, if you yourself feel okay with it.
  5. Consider getting support from a disability employment organization. These groups are set up to help disabled people (yes, you count) find suitable jobs. They can work with your quirks and challenges, and help you find what is right for you. They can also coach you in aspects that might be more difficult for you, depending on your individual needs.
  6. Start with an internship if you can. Interning at a potential future job will allow you to understand how it feels and whether you like it. You can see if the social scene is manageable to you, and if you like other aspects of the career.
  7. Remember that there is no perfect career. Many people struggle with certain aspects of their jobs, and it's normal to change direction a few times. You are doing fine.

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