Get a Job As a High School Student in a Bad Economy

The bad economy has been giving most everyone a hard time. Not everyone who wants a job, has one, high school students included. Many people start their first jobs while in high school. These early experiences help to shape and develop young people into contributing members of the work force. So, if you are a high school student looking for a job and haven't found one yet, don't give up hope.


  1. Although you may be young, most people have some skills to offer a future employer. Before applying for a job there are some things you can do to prepare. There are many great websites that can help you to prepare by:
    • Teaching you how to write a good resume.
    • How to ask people (teachers, former employers) to be references.
    • Teaching you how to write a cover letter.
    • Preparing for interviews.
  2. You need help writing your resume, cover letter, etc.? Make a visit to the OWL PURDUE Online Writing Lab. Some of their free resources are listed below but there are many more that they offer.
  3. Try networking. Asking friends at school, to talk to their friends and family and see if anyone they know is looking for a high school employee. Put an add up in your church or religious center, (if you attend), community center, or other public place. Make sure to ask for permission first. Many people need their lawns mowed, driveways shoveled, kids babysat, dog walked or other household jobs.
  4. You may also try getting an unpaid internship. These positions often lead to paid employment in the future.
  5. Are you good at arts or crafts? Consider doing what you love and sell your handmade work on
  6. Stay optimistic and you will find a good job you enjoy.

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