Install Training Wheels

Training wheels on bicycles are often necessary for children in the process of learning how to ride a bike. But what if the bikes training wheels come unattached or you have to buy them separately? Not to worry, its relatively easy if you follow the steps below.


  1. Obtain the training wheels. They are typically available at a bicycle market or wherever bikes are sold. Make sure you get the right size for the bike.
  2. Work on the center of the back wheel's screws and bolts. Loosen the bolt of the screw with your wrench, hold it with the wrench and rotate counter-clockwise.
  3. Place the training wheels inside. Hold it tightly.
  4. Again place the bolt on the earlier position. Tighten it with the wrench. Hold and rotate the bolt in the counter-clockwise mode.
  5. Do the same for installing the training wheel on the other side.

Things You'll Need

  • Training wheels
  • Wrench


  • It is good to check the condition of it thoroughly before riding. Make sure you made it tight enough.