Join a Sorority
Joining a sorority is a typical part of college life for many American students. If you are interested in sorority life at your university or college, you will need to go through a formal Rush a Sorority. Sororities can provide young women with a great social circle as well as a variety of academic, leadership, and future career opportunities. In order to join a sorority, you will need to take part in recruitment events, meet new people, learn about the various different sororities on campus, and ultimately decide on a sorority that fits best with your values, goals, and social life.
Registering for Recruitment
- Choose a school with Greek life groups. If joining a sorority is important to you, make sure that you attend a university or college that contains a vibrant Greek life scene, not all schools do. For instance, at the University of Texas Pan-America, 100% of women are involved in a sorority. Each campus has a different relationship to sorority and fraternity life and so it is important to take this into consideration when deciding where to pursue your post-secondary education.
- Harvard and Amherst College, for example, do not affiliate with any sorority on campus.
- Find out when sorority recruitment begins. Each university will have different recruitment dates and guidelines. Check online to make sure you know when recruitment begins at your school. Alternatively, you can also check with the fraternity and sorority life office at your university. There may be a number of mandatory events that you need to attend as a part of the recruitment; therefore, you need to check the college website to learn the important dates and follow the steps to register.
- Some colleges begin recruitment in the fall, some begin recruitment in the spring, and some individual sororities will allow for continuous open bidding. Continuous open bidding is a less formal recruitment process and occurs when individual sororities do not fill their quotas during the formal recruitment period.
- You do not need to join a sorority in your freshman year, although most do.
- Do your research. Before you register for recruitment, look up the different sororities in place at your university. If possible, locate their national organizational website and their local website, if they have one. These can be valuable tools because these sites offer general information about the history, symbols, and philanthropic efforts of each sorority. The local web pages can show you the activities of each sorority and what they do each semester.
- Look at the national organizational websites to find local chapters in your area.
- Sign up for recruitment. Once you have discovered when recruitment begins at your college, you must sign up for recruitment. It is a good idea to sign up for recruitment early so that you don't accidentally miss the sign up date. Also, at some colleges, each sorority will be given the sign up list. If your name is closer to the top, it is more likely that your name will be remembered by some of the sisters.
- When you sign up for recruitment you will likely need to pay a non-refundable registration fee.
- You will also likely be placed into a recruitment group and given a recruitment counsellor, or "Rho Gamma," who will act as your guide and mentor throughout the recruitment process.
- Provide as much information as possible on registration materials. Most university Greek life organizations have some sort of form you will have to fill out when you register. Include all high school activities you were in, even if you didn't hold any leadership roles because sororities love extracurriculars. Also include any, and all, academic clubs that you have joined in college. Regardless of what you may have seen in movies and television shows, sororities hold scholastic achievement in high regard.
- For instance, you may be required to have a certain grade point average after high school. It is important to know and understand all of the requirements to ensure that you are eligible to join a sorority on campus.
Engaging in Formal Sorority Recruitment
- Attend events at several different sororities. During the period of formal recruitment, most sororities will hold a number of events in order to get to know potential new recruits and showcase their sorority. Typically, these events are divided into rounds where you will meet with a number of different sororities during each round. You should attend events at multiple different sororities in order to get a feel for how the sorority works and the types of activities they engage in. This will help you make a decision regarding which sorority to join.
- For instance, you may be interested in joining a sorority that places a large emphasis on social activities. Some sororities place academic events ahead of throwing parties. By attending events at multiple sororities, you will be able to find one that matches your priorities.
- Dress appropriately for each event. Generally, each night of recruitment will grow more formal, starting with a simple jeans and polo outfit to a more formal/cocktail dress event near the end. While appearance is definitely not the most important thing that sororities will be looking for, pride in appearance and self confidence will definitely give you an edge.
- In order to make sure that you are dressed appropriately for each event, or round, ask about dress codes at the Panhellenic office. Alternately, you could ask your recruitment councillor for wardrobe advice!
- Talk with as many sorority sisters as possible during recruitment. It is a good idea to meet with lots of women during the recruitment period. This way, you will get to know some of the people involved in each sorority. By meeting with individuals from each of the sororities you are interested in joining, you will get a better idea of how you will fit into that social circle. For example, you may really like the sorority activities, but find that you have little in common with many of the sisters. You are going to be spending a lot of time with these people throughout your college career so it is important that you get along with them.
- Remember when you are meeting with members of each sorority that they are trying to sell you a specific experience and brand. You should always be yourself in these situations and assess how you fit with other members of the sorority.
- Always be polite and thank the individuals you met for their help and guidance. This will help them remember you and may give you a better chance of being accepted into the sorority.
- Ask questions to find out more information. During the recruitment period, it is a good idea to ask questions about the sorority in order to decide if you are a good fit. When you join a sorority, you are making a huge commitment and it is important that you have weighed all the options and decided upon the sorority that is best for you. Some questions to consider are:
- How will I benefit from membership in this sorority?
- Can you describe an ideal member in your sorority?
- Are there are leadership opportunities available for me? If so, what do they entail?
- How long is the new member (or pledging) period and what is the time commitment?
- How much does membership cost?
- Does this sorority have a housing option for sisters to live together?
- Consider the cost. Sorority’s can be fairly pricey and will add multiple extra expenses to your academic year. For example, membership dues, for a single semester, can cost up to $1,000. There will also be additional costs such as shirts, pins, event tickets etc. If cost is important to you, look for a sorority that is affordable and fits your budget.
- Make a list of your favourite sororities. After each round of events you attend during the recruitment period, you should make a list ranking the sororities. This list can be adjusted after each round of events. You can narrow down the list once you have determined which chapters are the best fit for you.
- In the final round of recruitment, called preference, you will only visit your top ranked sororities and will typically get to spend quite a bit of time with each of them.
- Make sure you ask specific and detailed questions in order to help you make your final decision. By this point of recruitment, you will already have a good idea about the costs and time commitments associated with each sorority, so you may want to ask about specific events, opportunities, and philanthropy.
- For example, you may want to ask how many people have received jobs through their connections with the sorority, or if the sorority provides members with education regarding sexual harassment and consent.
- Assess your bids. At the end of the recruitment period, you may or may not receive bids to join certain sororities or chapters. If you receive multiple bids, you will need to weigh the options and decide which chapter is best for you. Choose the sorority that best complements your personality, goals, and expected level of interaction.
- For example, did you find that you made a personal connection with any of the sorority sisters during the recruitment stage?
- Did you find that one sorority held multiple events that align with your interests and values?
- Some sororities cater their activities specifically to certain populations. For example, Alpha Kapa Alpha and Lambda Theta Alpha, focus primarily on African American and Latin populations respectively. This is something you may want to take into consideration when choosing a sorority.
Pledging a Sorority
- Begin the pledging process. Once you have decided on a sorority and accepted a bid, you will enter into a four to eight week pledging period. During this time, you will be expected to learn about the history and values of the chapter and community, engage in philanthropic events, volunteer your time to sorority activities on campus, and uphold the traditions of the sorority. Think of this as a probationary period. The sorority has decided to give you a bid, but want to make sure that you are a good fit for them.
- During the pledging period, many sororities will pair up a "big sister," or veteran member, with a "little sister," or new recruit. This is a type of mentorship program and the big sister is expected to help the little sister adjust to sorority life.
- Avoid sororities that include hazing rituals. Hazing, often depicted in Hollywood movies as some form of embarrassing or dangerous initiation ritual, is banned by most sororities and fraternities. Do not engage in in any type of demeaning or embarrassing experience as part of the pledging process. If you have been asked to do something that is dangerous, illegal, or demeaning, you should report your experience to the sorority life office on campus.
- Take part in philanthropic and social events. As a pledge, you will need to be active and engaged in the sorority. This will include devoting time to philanthropic and social events hosted by the sorority. As a new pledge, you will likely be tasked with some of the legwork, such as advertising sorority events on campus.
- For example, you may need to man a booth on campus that advertises your sorority, or you may need to hand out fliers one day to promote an upcoming event.
- It is important that you engage in these activities in order to demonstrate that you are committed to sorority life.
- Gain membership into the sorority. Once you have completed the pledging period and demonstrated your devotion to the sorority, you will become a full member of the sorority. As a member, you will likely need to maintain a certain grade point average as well as engage in social and philanthropic events moving forward.
- Although most sororities have banned hazing rituals, there will likely be some form of initiation. For example, you may need to memorize and recite the sorority oath.
- If you do not gain membership into a sorority at the end of the formal recruitment period, you can always try an open bid later in the year. Go back to some of the sororities on your initial list and see if they have space.
- Chose the sorority that fits you best socially and morally.
- Contact parents prior to joining. You will need financial and moral support.
- Go into recruitment with an open mind — forget rumors or preconceived notions about sororities and be open to getting to know the women in the chapter and what they are about.
- It's okay to be nervous. Many of the women you will be meeting will be just as, or even more nervous, than you. It's okay to slip up every now and then so don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
- Avoid joining a certain sorority to please others.
- Always try to use the person's name you are speaking with at least once. You will probably be meeting as many as 15 women the first night at least. While the sororities will not be expecting you to remember everyone you meet, the prospect of meeting that many people can be unnerving and this may help put you at ease.
- If you missed the formal recruitment period, you may still be able to join a sorority if there is a sorority on campus that has continuous open bidding.
- Please note that every campus has a different recruitment method. Most universities and colleges have a website for their Greek offices. Check out their site to better understand the process. You may even want to try contacting someone at the office to get a better grasp of that particular school's process.
- Do not mention that you are joining to 'hook up' with fraternities or party all the time. Not only are sororities not about that at all, but some sororities may look on that negatively, and it will affect your chances of getting chosen.
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