Limit Your Alcohol Intake to the Recommended Two or Less Servings Per Day
It is recommended that healthy adults who drink alcohol should limit their daily alcohol consumption to two or fewer servings per day. It is often recommended that women should drink no more than one drink per day, and men should have no more than two drinks per day . For healthy adults who do drink regularly, one drink may be better than two, and more than two or three drinks can drastically increase mortality as well as the incidence of certain debilitating and lethal diseases. If you are a healthy adult who already drinks alcoholic beverages, follow these steps to make sure that you don’t drink more than two servings of alcoholic beverages per day.
- Don't drink any alcoholic beverages. It may be easiest to simply abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages, especially if it is difficult to stop drinking after one or two drinks. It is not recommended that people who do not drink begin drinking. If you do drink alcoholic beverages, follow the steps below.
- If you frequently find yourself in social situations where you feel obliged to consume alcohol, see How to Turn Down a Drink.
- Establish the amount of alcohol that is provided by one serving of any drink. It is accepted that one serving of alcohol is an approximation, and may vary slightly. However, there is general agreement that one serving of alcohol contains about 0.5 fluid ounces (or 14.8ml) of pure alcohol (ethanol).
- Determine the alcohol content of the beverage that you will drink. This is usually expressed as the percentage of alcohol by volume. The alcohol content of alcoholic beverages can vary greatly. Certain types of commonly available alcoholic drinks contain relatively similar amounts of alcohol, and for each type of drink there will be some variation. Unfortunately, the alcohol content may not be listed on the labels of alcoholic beverages.
- Regular bottled beer generally has an alcohol content of about 5 percent by volume, while light beer is approximately 4 percent alcohol. Strong specialty beers and malt liquors may have an alcohol content of up to about 8 or even 10 percent, while “session” beers and draught-style stouts may have an alcohol content that ranges from about 3 to 4.5 percent. It is a misconception that all dark beers such as stouts are high in alcohol, although certain dark beers such as imperial stouts can have high alcohol content.
- Wine generally has an alcohol content that ranges from 8 to 14 percent. Table wine has a range of about 8 to 14 percent, and the alcohol content of sparkling wine ranges from about 8 to 12 percent. Even if one of these types of wine is labeled as containing a specific percentage of alcohol, it may actually contain somewhat more or less alcohol. The allowed variance differs for specific countries, but in the US the listed percentage may be about 1.5 percent different than the actual alcohol content.
- Fortified wines (such as dessert wines, Sherry, and Port) tend to contain between 17 and 22 percent alcohol.
- Hard liquors such as vodka, whiskey, tequila, and rum usually have an alcohol content of about 40 percent (80 proof). Some versions of hard liquors have a higher or lower alcohol content, so check the alcohol percentage or proof that will be listed on the label. The alcohol percentage is half of the proof.
- Liqueurs usually have an alcohol content that ranges from 15 to 30 percent. The alcohol content may be much higher, however, and labels must be checked to determine the alcohol content. Liqueurs may also contain high levels of ingredients such as sugar and even cream that may cause health problems regardless of the alcohol content.
- Determine the volume (fluid ounces or milliliters) that make up one serving for the beverage that you will drink. The volume of the drink that makes up one serving is based on the alcohol content of the beverage. To calculate the fluid ounces of pure alcohol in a drink, multiply the total fluid ounces of the drink by the alcohol percentage (percent alcohol by volume) of the drink. To get milliliters of alcohol, multiply the total milliliters of the drink by the alcohol percentage (percent alcohol by volume). Because alcohol contents for specific types of drinks are slightly variable and servings need not be completely exact, the volume that makes up one serving for specific beverages can be roughly estimated.
- For regular commercial beer (about 5% alcohol) and light beer (about 4% alcohol), one serving is equivalent to 12 fluid ounces (355ml).
- Strong specialty beer and malt liquor may have up to about twice as much alcohol as regular and light beer. If this type of beer is 8 to 10 percent alcohol, then one serving will be about 6 fluid ounces (180ml). These types of beer are commonly sold in large bottles and cans, and each container may greatly exceed the equivalent of two servings. One 24oz (700ml) can of 8-percent alcohol malt liquor will be equivalent to about four servings. Microbrewed beer that is commonly available in 22oz (650ml) bottles commonly has an alcohol content of about 7 percent. One 22oz (650ml) bottle of 7 percent alcohol beer will be almost exactly equivalent to three servings. Try sharing strong beer that is packaged in large containers with one or more friends.
- For table wine (red and white) and sparkling wine, one serving is equivalent to 4 or 5 fluid ounces (use a smaller serving for strong wine). Five fluid ounces is about 150 milliliters or two-thirds of a cup.
- The serving size for dessert wines is about 3 fluid ounces (about 90ml).
- For 80-proof liquor (40% alcohol), it is generally accepted that one serving is equivalent to 1.5 fluid ounces (45ml). This is the same as one standard shot. However, 1.5oz should actually provide 0.6oz of pure alcohol, provided that every drop of the liquor is consumed. In reality, some of the liquor may not make it into the body. However, since hard liquor is a very concentrated source of alcohol, it may be beneficial to be conservative and consider that slightly less than 1.5oz of 80 proof liquor (between 1.2 and 1.3oz) actually provides 0.5oz of pure alcohol.
- The volume that makes up one serving for liqueurs can be highly variable due to variable alcohol contents. Kahlua may contain anywhere from 20 percent to 35 percent alcohol, depending on the region. It is typically 26 percent alcohol. For this alcohol percentage, two ounces are equivalent to one serving. Another common liqueur, Baileys Irish Cream, contains 17 percent alcohol. This means that 3oz of Baileys is equivalent to one serving.
- Mixed drinks can contain liquors as well as liqueurs with variable alcohol contents. Any mixed drink that is equivalent to one serving contains the equivalent of 1.5oz (45ml) of 80 proof (40 percent) alcohol. It can be difficult to determine exactly how much alcohol a mixed drink contains, as the drink may be made with various different alcoholic ingredients that each have different alcohol contents. It is easiest to choose mixed drinks that are made with only one type of alcoholic ingredient, or are made with multiple different alcoholic ingredients that contain the same amount of alcohol. Luckily, the specific serving equivalents for some common drinks have already been determined (see the sections below), but keep in mind that the servings can vary greatly if the recipes are slightly adjusted because hard liquor is such a concentrated source of alcohol.
- For regular commercial beer (about 5% alcohol) and light beer (about 4% alcohol), one serving is equivalent to 12 fluid ounces (355ml).
- Measure out or select the desired volume. This can be done by you or by an experienced bartender or sommelier. However, be sure to tell your server exactly how much of each type of beverage you want to drink. Beverages such as bottled beers that are already available in the quantity that is equivalent to one serving may be most convenient. It can be very difficult to tell what the capacity of a glass is just by looking at it, and with concentrated sources of alcohol a small variation can mean a huge difference in the actual number of servings.
- Beer is typically available in 12oz (355ml) cans and bottles. However, US pint glasses hold 16oz (about 475ml), and British (Imperial) pint glasses hold 20oz (almost 600ml).
- Wine glasses have a capacity that is larger than five ounces (150ml), but are actually meant to hold only 5oz of wine. Wine glasses are also available in many different shapes and actual sizes. It is not desirable to first pour wine into a measuring vessel before pouring it into a glass, so it can be useful to determine what five ounces of liquid looks like in particular wine glasses using measured volumes of water or juice. Small 187ml bottles of wine can also be purchased instead of standard 750ml bottles of wine. While 187ml bottles provide somewhat more than one serving, they are well under two servings and offer an easy alternative to measuring or estimating the amount of wine that is poured from a large bottle.
- For hard liquor and liqueurs, Collect Shot Glasses of a specific capacity can be used. Jiggers can also be used to measure out the desired volume. Bartenders may free pour certain quantities. If so, ask them what volume they are pouring to make sure that they are not giving you too much alcohol. It may be best to use miniature 50ml bottles of hard liquor. A mini bottle of 80 proof (40%) liquor is just 5ml more than the recommended 45ml serving. 50ml is equivalent to 1.69oz. 1.69oz of liquor that is 40% alcohol contains 0.68oz of pure alcohol, which is about 1.5 servings of alcohol. A mini bottle that contains liquor or liqueur that is 30% alcohol provides 15ml of pure alcohol, or just about one exact serving of alcohol.
- Only drink two or less servings for the alcoholic beverages that you have established serving sizes for. If you are unsure of the alcohol content of a beverage or the volume of the glass that it is served in, avoid it until you know enough to establish correct serving sizes.
- Choose less "drinkable" drinks. Dark, flavorful beers and wines can satisfy after a serving or two, encourage slow savoring rather than rapid thirst-quenching (which doesn't work and feeds on itself because alcohol is a diuretic), and even taste harsh if drunk quickly or in quantity. Tastes great...more filling!
- Dark beer often has somewhat more alcohol than light beer.
- Don't drink alcoholic beverages every day. For many people, especially women, it may be healthier to drink one or two drinks only a few times per week instead of every day.
- Drink nonalcoholic beer or nonalcoholic virgin cocktails. Nonalcoholic beverages can be great substitutes for alcoholic beverages. They look and taste similar to alcoholic beverages, and enable one to drink with others who are drinking similar alcoholic beverages. One can also drink nonalcoholic beverages after one has consumed the daily limit of two or less servings of actual alcoholic beverages. Keep in mind that nonalcoholic beer does contain a very small amount of alcohol, while virgin cocktails should not contain any alcohol.
Established serving sizes for mixed drinks
- Amaretto sour: 1 serving
- B-52: 1 serving
- Bloody Mary: 1 serving
- Chocolate martini: 1.67 servings
- Cosmopolitan: 1.67 servings
- Daiquiri: 1 serving
- Gin and tonic: 1.33 servings
- Make a Hurricane Cocktail: 3 servings
- Irish coffee: 1 serving
- Mai Tai: 1.82 servings
- Kamikaze: 1 serving
- Manhattan: 1.33 servings
- Margarita: 1.33 servings
- Martini: 1.33 servings
- Mudslide: 1 to 4 servings
- Make the World's Best Pina Colada: 2.13 servings
- Rum and coke: 2.67 servings
- Screwdriver: 1.33 servings
- Whiskey sour: 1.33 servings
Alcohol contents (percentage by volume) for commercial beers
- Guinness Draught: 4.0% (4.2% for bottled draught)
- Beamish Stout: 3.8%
- Dragon Stout: 6.8%
- Amstel Light: 3.5%
- Anchor Steam 4.9%
- Blue Moon: 5.4%
- Budweiser: 5.0%
- Bud Light: 4.2%
- Bud Light Lime: 4.2%
- Busch: 4.6%
- Coors: 5.0%
- Coors Light: 4.2%
- Coors Extra Gold: 5.0%
- Corona Extra: 4.6%
- Heineken: 5.4%
- Heineken Light: 3.5%
- Stone IPA: 6.9%
- Stone Double Bastard: 10%
- Ice house: 5.0% and 5.5%
- Labatt Blue: 5.0%
- Michelob: 5.0%
- Michelob Light: 4.3%
- Michelob Ultra: 4.2%
- MGD: 5.0%
- Miller High Life: 5.5%
- Miller Lite: 4.2%
- Olde English 800: 5.9%
- Olde English 800 Ice: 7.9%
- Pyramid Pale Ale: 5.1%
- Pyramid India Pale Ale: 6.7%
- Pyramid Snow Cap: 7.0%
- Red Dog: 5.0%
- Redhook ESB: 5.8%
- Sam Adams Boston Lager: 4.8%
- Sam Adams Light: 4.0%
- Sam Adams Double Bock: 8.5%
- Shiner Bock: 4.4%
- Shiner Light: 3.9%
- Sapporo Reserve: 5.2%
- Sierra Nevada Pale Ale: 5.7%
- Sierra Nevada Bigfoot: 10%
- Widmer Hefeweizen: 4.7%
- Widmer Drop Top Amber Ale: 4.9%
- To reap the fabulous health benefits without over imbibing is to alternate an alcoholic drink with one or more glasses of water, fruit juice, tomato or clamato juice, pop, soda, club soda and lime. Not only does it ensure a clear head the following morning but you remain hydrated.
- Use the same glasses for specific alcoholic beverages so that you can accurately gauge correct serving quantities.
- While it is not recommended that abstainers begin drinking alcohol, scientific studies have shown that the consumption of one or two drinks per day by healthy adults may be associated with a reduction in total mortality as well as a reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular and related diseases . Wine and beer have shown more benefits than other forms of alcohol. The health benefit is derived from the reduction of stress.
- Alcohol is also especially harmful to children and those too young to drink.
- Pregnant and nursing women must never drink alcohol as even tiny amounts are very harmful to the fetus and nursing infants. According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects.
- The consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and excessive consumption may cause health problems.
- If you are on an anti-depressant or diabetic, discuss with your health care provider prior to drinking any alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant and may affect how well you are feeling.
- Any amount of alcohol may be harmful for adults people who have pre-existing medical conditions.
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