Make Cold Mixed Fruits Sago

This dessert is best enjoyed during warmer weather. It is a healthy snack suitable for those watching their weight and for those wishing to eat nutritious food for dessert. Best of all, it tastes delicious.


  • 1 or 2 packets of fresh milk
  • Sago
  • 1 to 2 bowls of water
  • 4 to 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • Pandan leaves
  • Fruit: watermelon, honeydew and mango
  • Vanilla ice cream (optional)
  • Ground peanuts (optional)


  1. Boil water in a pot filled to about a quarter of the pot's size. Add in the sago and simmer down the flame a little. Cover the pot with a lid and leave it aside until the next day for the sago to soften.
  2. Cut the watermelon, honeydew and mango into slices. Bite-size pieces are recommended, but you can also cut it into fun sizes and shapes for events. After that, keep the fruits in the fridge to keep them freshly chilled.
  3. Add in 2 bowls of water to boil, then pour in about 4 to 5 spoonfuls of sugar. Mix well till the sugar has melted totally.
  4. Add pandan leaves into the sugar mixture to make it taste better and have more fragrance.
  5. Pour milk into a bowl and add sugar mixture, fruits, and sago. The dessert is ready to be served.
  6. Finished.


  • You can choose any variety of fruits to prepare the dessert – feel free to experiment with other mixed fruits according to your preference for a new taste.
  • Try to choose the freshest fruits that you can find.
  • This dessert is best served chilled, so having crushed ice-cubes in it is another alternative.
  • To make the dessert more appealing and taste better, add 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream and some ground peanuts.
  • The pandan's scientific name is P. amaryllifolius; "daun pandan" in Indonesian and "斑蘭 [bān lán]" in Mandarin.


  • Preparing the sugar mixture can be quite complicated; remember to taste the sweetness every time you pour in a spoonful of sugar and keep the flame at low heat.
  • Try to maintain the level of the water while mixing the sugar with heat – if there’s too little, the sugar may turn to caramel and this will result a brownish or blackish tinge.

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