Make a Bicycle Racing Team

Have you seen other cool guys hanging out with their bicycles and pulling out some great tricks??Have you ever played N.F.S. and you wish you were a street racer too? Now you can make your own bicycle team and be like street racers as a kid.


  1. First you need members.You can ask your friends to join your team! They must have bicycles too!
  2. Next you need a place to hang out or put your bicycles in. This one is called the Safe-House. The safe house can be a building or somewhere outdoors. There you will make plans, invent new tricks or just chill out.
  3. You also need some good racing tracks. Get a map of your hood and mark the best tracks. They got to be quiet. Do not race on busy streets because you can hit someone.
  4. Make some race types: For example: Drag, Sprint, Circuit and more. Be creative and invent them yourself!
  5. Very important thing: choose a name for you crew! For example: "Team Racing Sport-T.R.S.)(this name is taken!)
  6. Invite more people to join your team and find another team to race against. You can establish some territories on the map.Just like in Need For Speed Carbon, every crew will have its own territory.
  7. The most important thing: Have fun!


  • Just have fun!
  • For tracks, choose some quiet streets.
  • Be careful when racing, it can be dangerous if you are not trained!
  • Never race on a road!
  • You can tune-up your bicycle with flames,etc


  • Be careful and do not hit people when you are racing.
  • Do not race in illegal places.
  • Do not reach big speeds on short distances.It can be very dangerous!
  • Never race on a road!