Develop Good BMX Racing Strategy

A few quick tips and tricks to get the best out of you and your bike!


  1. SET UP-settting up your bike pre-race is crucial for the best result.                                                              1.tire pressure look -Atleast 65psi, 90psi is optimal.  2.gearing -tight windy short track= low gearing, anywhere from 28-36t -long flat drawn out track= high gearing= 42t+
  2. depending on riding level decide what sort of approach your gonna take on the tack. if your going to take high-low line get on the outside gate.   If the low-high line suits take the inside gate.
  3. The finish, your out of the gate you know what line your gonna take. Just one more thing, jump, or pump?if your on that tight track with fast corners the jump will suit best. There's no worry about over pumping and getting the speed hops. If your racing on the long flatter track and your trying to jump every section your gonna loose rhythm and start to case.For the longer flat with slow corners take the pump option with a lot of pedaling
  4. This is just a simple and a basic guide to a quick race strategy, happy and fast racing.


  • Ensure when inflating tires they can with stand the amount of psi you wish to fill them with.