Make a Bicycle Sound Like a Motorcycle

Ever wanted the motorcycle sound when riding your bike? We all know that a motorcycle is expensive, right? An easy way to do it is to read this wikiHow.


  1. Ride your bike to an open space such as the backyard/front yard or the park.
  2. Take a plastic cup of any size and crush it.
  3. Put it on the back of your bike where there is a hole (the part where the brakes move). Make sure the mouth of the cup is facing (toward the rear) the opposite direction your bike is usually going. The cup should rub against the tire.
  4. Make the bike go forward and test if it is making a sound. If it isn't, there must be an error. Try again until it's making a motorcycle's sound.
  5. Ride your bike around and amaze (maybe annoy) your friends.


  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • A balloon taped or tied where they can bump against the spokes can work for a few minutes (until the balloon breaks).
  • Change the plastic cup if it falls off.


  • Any stiff or rigid object hitting the wheel may bend, loosen or break spokes.
  • May cause deafness if too loud.
  • Make sure your hand doesn't get crushed.

Things You'll Need

  • A bicycle (any bicycle)
  • A few plastic cups (any size)
  • A place to ride your bike

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