Sew a Phone Case

Phone cases can be expensive or boring to buy premade. Perhaps you'd like to have one of your own? Read on for some helpful tips on how to sew your very own case!


  1. Obtain a sheet of fabric. Place your phone on the fabric. Fold the full sheet of fabric not the long way though then trace your phone with chalk. Cut it out but remember it should be a little bit bigger than your phone.
  2. Decorate it. Make your designs and you can make them out of fabric like bows, hearts, and many more creative things. Pin them down sew them and then take of the pins. Don't forget to sew the bottom and the side not the top where your phone goes.This is like a phone pouch!
  3. Now you have your phone pouch but you can even make it into a purse by adding thread on the top making it into a handle.Then you have a phone purse!


  • Use the blanket Stitch. It is much faster and easier.
  • Make your designs first then trace your phone.