Make a Duct Tape Ring

Are you a big duct tape fan? Do you have a duct wallet that you put in your duct tape tuxedo for prom? Well, take a couple of steps back and make this simple 6-step duct tape ring to finish off the look.



  1. Cut a piece of duct tape long enough to fit around your finger. Leave about half an inch for a bit of room to work with. Too tight and you won't be able to get it on and off.
  2. Cut the duct tape in half vertically. You want a ring, not a finger trap. If you want an even smaller ring, cut off 2/3 of the duct tape.
  3. Cut small notches in each side of the tape. This gives it a zig-zag feel; if you'd like something else, feel free to cut out any design of your choosing. Zig-zag is easy as it doesn't to be perfectly symmetrical to look good.
  4. Cut off opposite notches on the ends. Cut one on the right and one on the left. When wrapped around your finger, these notches will keep the ring in its shape.
  5. Fold it in half. There should be no adhesive showing that can get caught on your skin or other material. If there is some, fold it over or cut it off.
  6. Draw or decorate it and then close it up. Wrap it around your finger and place one notch into the other. Use another color of duct tape as an accent if you have it available.

With a Flower

  1. Cut a piece of duct tape that easily wraps around your finger. It should be longer than what would make a tight fit; the extra will be used for the base of the flower. Also: It's much easier to trim it down than to add more.
    • When you have the right length, cut off 1/3 of the width. It'll be far too wide if you don't. Fold this piece in half. Wrap it around your finger -- if you have about 3/4" (1.9 cm) extra, you're golden.
  2. Seal the band together with a small piece of tape. Place it on the edge of the tape, wrap it around your finger, and fold it over the other edge of the tape. Cinch it up so that the ring doesn't cut off your circulate but won't fall off, either.
  3. Fold the extra in half. You know that 3/4" you had that was just sealed? That's going to be your stem. If you fold in it half, you'll see it start to resemble just that.
    • When you fold it, you might notice that it intrudes into the diameter of the ring. Place your finger back in the ring and make sure there's still enough space for it to be worn.
  4. Seal the fold. Using the 1/3 of the width of the duct tape you cut off originally, wrap the fold up, around and around, sealing the fold into a tube (stem-like) shape.
  5. Form your petals. Cut pieces (25-30) of duct tape that are 2" (5 cm) long. With standard issue duct tape, this should be a square. For the best look, use pieces of varying colors or patterns.
    • Take your square and, wrong side facing toward you, fold up the bottom right hand corner so the sticky side forms a capital "L." In other words, fold the corner almost to the other corner, but not quite.
    • Take the top left corner and fold it over, so you have a triangle of color and below it a stripe of stickiness.
    • Wrap it around your stem. If the stripe of stickiness is too wide, cut off a bit now. That's your first petal!
  6. Continue applying petals and adjusting. As you add petal after petal, be sure the tips of each petal don't match up -- the points should be on all sides of the flower. It needs to grow uniformly.
    • Put it on your finger from time to time; you'll need to check that the band is still big enough (the petals may detract from the original size of the band). Fluff out the petals a bit by squeezing them lightly.


  • Use colored duct tape for multi-colored rings! Dozens of colors and patterns are available at stores like Walmart or craft supply stores.


  • Don't make the ring too tight, it could cut off circulation.

Things You'll Need

  • Duct tape
  • Scissors

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