Make a Firework Rocket in Minecraft

Do you want to have a light show on Minecraft, or impress your friends? With the newest update, firework rockets, now you can! Read below to find out how to make a rocket, as well as how to create several different effects.


Making a Firework Star

  1. Get one gunpowder and one dye. You can optionally add other items as discussed below.
  2. Craft the items to form the firework star. This is a necessary component for the firework rocket.
  3. Experiment with making different types of firework stars. You can change how the explosion of the firework looks by using different crafting ingredients. Some can be mixed to produce different effects, but the ingredients which affect shape cannot be mixed.
    • Any dye can be used to produce different colors.
    • Make your fireworks look like creepers by adding a head.
    • Make your fireworks look like traditional bursts by adding a feather.
    • Make a more explosive burst by adding a fire charge.
    • Make your fireworks look like star burst fireworks by adding a gold nugget.
    • Make your fireworks sparkle by adding a glowstone.

Making the Firework Rocket

  1. Get at least 1 gunpowder, 1 paper, and your firework star.
  2. Craft the items together.
    • You only need 1 paper, 1 gunpowder, and 1 firework star to make a rocket. However, adding more gunpowder makes your rocket go higher.
  3. Use your rocket! Consider putting on a Make a Firework Show in Minecraft for your friends or for a celebration, such as the completion of a mansion.


  1. Take gunpowder, dye and put it in your crafting table. This will make a firework star.
  2. Put the firework star, paper and gunpowder in the crafting table to get a firework.
  3. Put certain things on to change the effects of the firework. Experiment and see what you can do!

Making a Firework Rocket in Minecraft 1.6.2

  1. Get gunpowder and dye. Put them into the crafting table for a Firework Star. (Use a head, fire charge, gold nugget, feather or glowstone dust for special effects.)
  2. Use your Firework Star, another gunpowder, and paper to form a Firework Rocket.
  3. If you're in multi-player, put on a show for your friends, or maybe a "4th of July" special. Have fun with your firework and make different kinds to show your friends!


  • If you use two firework stars while making a firework star, both will be seen when you use the rocket!
  • You can make a rocket without a firework star. You will be able to see the trail, but there will be no colorful explosion.
  • You can name the firework with an anvil.

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