Craft an Anvil in Minecraft

Anvils can be used to repair tools, weapons and armor, or to enchant and name items. They are crafted using 3 blocks of iron and 4 iron ingots, or 31 iron ingots total.


  1. Gather your materials.
    • You need 31 iron ingots or 3 iron blocks
    • If you have 3 iron blocks already, skip the next step
  2. Create 3 iron blocks. These are created by opening a crafting table and placing an iron ingot in every space (9 total).
  3. Craft an anvil.
    • Put your 3 iron blocks in the top three spaces of a crafting table.
    • Put 1 iron ingot in the center space.
    • Put 3 iron ingots in the bottom three spaces.
  4. Drag your new anvil to your inventory.


  • Anvils fall like sand or gravel, but are very heavy and can hurt or kill a player or monsters.
  • Anvils can become damaged and break, so use them carefully unless you have a lot of iron to spare.

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