Avoid Night Time Stains During your Period
Ever leaked period blood onto your sheets? Have you tried to wash it out, but to no avail? Well worry no longer, these steps will save your sheets and nightwear.
- Use Adira Period Panties. They are leak-proof and ensure that your clothes and the sheets do not stain. Use the Boxer fit for complete protection.
- Know your menstrual cycle. If your cycle isn't set yet, know what time of the month it generally comes (beginning, middle, and end). If you think it will come, use a pantyliner during the day, but a light/medium absorbency pad, depending on how heavy/light you flow starts at.
- Use a menstrual cup. These are internal like tampons, but they are not associated with TSS, (Toxic Shock Syndrome), so they can be worn for up to 12 hours (even during the night), unlike tampons. These hold more flow than tampons or pads and have light suction so they prevent leaking.
- Wear a tampon and a pad. Change your tampon when you go to bed and when you get up in the morning. You can use a panty liner or a heavy pad, according to your needs.
- Try cloth pads like Lunapads or Party In My Pants. You can even make your own. These are not only healthier and more hygienic than commercial pads but they are also far more comfortable and stick in your underwear better, plus you can get extra liners to insert when needed. Being more comfortable with cloth pads means you're less likely to move about in your sleep, so pads stay in place rather than gathering up leading to leaking.
- Grab two overnight pads with wings and overlap them, with one closer up front, and the other further behind. If necessary, use a third one in the middle.
- You can also make a T-shape with two pads. Use one as usual, then place one perpendicular towards your rear.
- Find a towel that no one uses or needs. Lay the towel on your mattress. When you go to bed, lie on the towel so that if you do leak it will go on the towel and not all over your sheets or bedding. Some people call these period blankets and may have dedicated soft blankets to use this way, they may also wrap around themselves in the morning to avoid mess when they get up before they can put in their normal protection.
- Roll a few sheets of toilet paper up lengthwise and place carefully in between your intergluteal clefts. Remove the toilet paper in the morning.
- Get protective sheets, these are like those used by parents if their children wet the bed. Nothing embarrassing about using them, they will protect your mattress so if you do leak the blood doesn't get into the mattress causing smell or stains.
- Invest in adult diapers if nothing else works. The pull-up kinds work the best, but any type will protect your bedsheets while you sleep.
- Take a second pair of underwear and put them on over your first pair.
- Put the pad or pantyliner closer to the front of your panties and sleep on your stomach.
- Sleep comfortably and 'stainlessly'! Use Cycleliners Feminine Bed Protection. Instead of sleeping on towels, these bed liners are waterproof, comfortable, and go over sheets with tuck in flaps so they stay put. They also come in a discreet burgundy color.
- While spreading out while you sleep is comfortable, it can cause your pad to shift. Keeping your legs together helps prevent leaks.
- If you sleep on your side with your knees up, make sure (if you're using a pad) that it's more focused on the back. Since the front is a lot more closed together, the back is wider open, causing more leaking space if your pad isn't wide enough or if you're rough in your sleep.
- If you do get blood on your sheets or clothes, rinse them immediately in cold water, hot water will set the stains. Soaking sheets or other clothes in milk will help to fade or even eliminate the stains. Adding salt to the water may also help.
- If the problem is that you toss and turn during the night, and your pad shifts, try wearing tight spandex running shorts. They will hold your underpants and pad in place.
- Double your pads; one in the back and one in the front.
- Try lightly stuffing the pad into your rear to help catch any run away drops.
- Get the Maxi Pads. They catch every drop and are also very comfortable.
- If you sleep on your back make sure your pad is far back. Place it so it stops at the middle of your rear. It might also help to sleep with your legs over lapped or crossed. If you're still worried, wear old shorts and cheap underwear that are a little tight and keep in place.
- Try to get the most security you can if you move around while sleeping because you might unexpectedly shift your pad and stain the bedclothes. It's best to have protection on all angles.
- Wear Period Panties that are meant for periods. They are leak-proof and breathable. Try Adira Period Panties that prevents staining in the front, back and the inner thigh region.
- Wear two pairs of underwear to hold the pad in place better. Alternatively, you can use a pad the has sticky wings that stick to your underwear.
- If you are trying to avoid stains, place the pad so it's more toward your bottom.
- For stains that have dried into your sheets or clothes, try pouring a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide onto the area. Hydrogen peroxide may cause bleaching, so if the stained item in question is dark, dilute the peroxide, about 2 parts water to every one part peroxide.
- If you have an alarm clock, set it for roughly every 3-5 hours depending on how heavy you are. You aren't as likely to get a solid good sleep, but it's better then having to clean blood out of your clothes and sheets.
- Use a menstrual cup or diva cup which can be worn for up to 12 hours.
- Try Wee-wee pads. These can be bought at any pet store. They will absorb moisture on the top layer and they have plastic on the bottom that will protect bedding.
- Even if you do leak, it's okay. Use older sheets when it's 'that time of the month,' or buy inexpensive underwear and pyjamas. This way, it won't matter so much if you leak. Make those stained sheets and clothing only for use during your period.
- Wear dark coloured underwear, pyjamas, and have dark coloured sheets.
- Put some tissue over the middle and put the other pair of pants to secure it then lie on the fleece.
- Try to wear two pads at the same time, overlapping. Place one near the front, and one near the back, so no matter what way you sleep, stomach, back, sides, you will be protected and won't have to worry about leaks.
- It's best to wash your sheets in Napi San or other washing powders like Skin sensitive or ones that have labels on that say its safe. Another idea is before you go to bed lay an old towel across the middle of the bed, that way it doesn't matter so much if you by accident get a stain on the towel and it's a good idea to change your sheets when they need changing.
- If your sleeping at someone else's house or just want to keep your bedding nice on your period here's what you need: two pads of tissues, 2 pairs of panties, and a fleece. Put the two pads on in 1 pair of pants one towards the front and one towards the back. (Make sure they overlap in the middle.)
- You can pour hydrogen peroxide ( brown bottle ) on the stain and let it bubble rinse it in cold water then repeat until it's gone. Works better on newer stains.
- Even with all this get extra underwear in case something does get out the you can just throw out the underwear if it's that bad.
- Place your pad nearer to your rear when sleeping if you sleep on your back or side. If you sleep on your stomach, place it closer to the front than you normally would.
- For heavy flows use tena pads, they don't leak. Also put a tampon in your intergluteal cleft.
- If you wear the next days clothes the night before, but you don't want to ruin your pants, sleep in your underwear. Lots of people find it more comfortable than really warm pyjamas or jeans. Just be careful that you don't stain the sheets, especially if you are sleeping with someone else.
- Or you can wear a heavy flow pad and put a towel under you while you sleep!
- Put your dirty sheets or clothes in hydrogen peroxide. Then, let them soak in cold water and scrub them out. Just make sure to get all of the blood out before washing!
- Don't wear pyjama bottoms while you're on your period. That way, if you leak, it won't ruin as much clothing.
- Use a different type of tampon which is specially designed for night use. However, using a tampon at night is not recommended at all because it is unhygienic and can cause infections.
- Wearing a tampon while asleep is more dangerous, because you may not wake up in time to change it. Leaving in a tampon for longer than 8 hours drastically increases the risk of toxic shock syndrome, which can be fatal.
- Heavy periods that result in leaks during the night may be a sign of other gynecological conditions, such as endometriosis, Menorrhagia or fibroids, which are benign growths in the womb. It could also mean that your level of iron is below what is healthy, so make an appointment to see your doctor for a check up.
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