Make a Razor Scooter Seat

This is a small invention that can turn your Razor scooter into a downhill machine. Soon, you'll be going off small jumps with ease.


  1. First tape two paint buckets together with a fairly strong duct tape so the 2 paint cans won't fall apart on an impact off a jump.
  2. Then buy a bike seat cover; that is usually around($9-$16). Once you buy the seat, put it on the top of the cans and tighten it on so it won't fall off the paint cans.
  3. Next tape the paint cans to the back of the scooter right in front of the foot brake. To do this take three long pieces of tape.


  • Since you probably already have a bike and not a razor, it would be better to use the bike.
  • To brake, put your legs behind the paint can and put the tips of your toes on the brake and push on the brake.


  • Always make sure that your seat is tight on the scooter before you ride.
  • You will probably help yourself if you go off jumps; therefore, don't.
  • Always wear your helmet for safety.

Things You'll Need

  • Two paint cans
  • 1 bicycle seat
  • 1 roll of strong duct tape

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