Make a Trampoline Scooter

A Trampoline Scooter is basically a push/kick/foot scooter which can be used on the trampoline to perfect moves and tricks that you cannot yet do on flat ground. They are very fun to use and take very little time to make.


  1. Remove the wheels from the scooter using an allen key. (optional)
  2. Wrap rags around the forks (and wheels if not removed).
  3. Wrap rags or foam around the deck so your ankles don't get hurt when hit.
  4. Secure the rags using tape.
  5. Closely examine the underside of the scooter, and do a bunny hop on flat ground to make sure that there are no sharp bits. If there are, wrap and tape these areas.

Things You'll Need

  • A scooter
  • Allen key
  • Rags
  • Strong tape (i.e. Gaffer tape or duct tape)

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