Make a Simple and Quick Pasta Dish

Have you ever wanted a very delicious meal, but you are low on money or time? Well here is a recipe for a very simple pasta dish and it takes less than 20 minutes to make.


  • As much pasta as you want.
  • Your favorite tomato pasta sauce, from a can, jar, or homemade.
  • Any leftovers, meats or vegetables, or just about anything you want to go into your pasta dish.
  • Oil
  • Salt


  1. Boil some water. Make sure there's enough water to cover the pasta. Let pasta soften.
  2. Add salt to the water, then add the pasta, and stir. Don't add oil or the sauce won't stick to the pasta.
  3. Heat another pan with a few tbsp of oil. Add your ingredients, and add your sauce little by little or else it will bubble oil at your face.
  4. Bring the sauce to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, covered, until the pasta is cooked.
  5. When the pasta is cooked, drain it and add it to the sauce.
  6. Bring the heat up once again and stir until everything is mixed
  7. Remove from heat and serve.

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