Program a Computer's Optical Drive Prank

Programming languages such as BASIC, CPP, Python, etc can be used to program several pranks and sent to others' computer(s) for fun! This article will show you how to write a simple prank that'd constantly open and close the optical drive (DVD or Blu-ray drive) of a computer where the program would be executed, forever unless it is terminated (Termination steps are mentioned in the article). Read on if you want to freak your friend out for a while...


  1. Open the notepad on your Microsoft Windows computer. The program to be executed is a simple BASIC program that'd be written on the notepad.
  2. Copy and paste the following set of instructions on the notepad:
    • Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    • Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
    • do
    • if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
    • For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
    • colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject
    • Next
    • For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
    • colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject
    • Next
    • End If
    • wscript.sleep 5000
    • loop
  3. Click on "File" on your notepad and "Save As..."
  4. On the File name, type any name you want followed by the .vbs extension, so it should look like Name.vbs (Name can include anything you want). Make sure you give it an attractive name, otherwise if you're playing the prank on someone would know if you name it "CD player prank" or something like that. Name it like "Disk cleaner.vbs" or Internet explorer or something attractive like it...
  5. Click on "All types". Below the File Name, there's another option which let's you select the file type, click on the arrow and a drop down list comes up. Click there.
  6. Save the file on any folder you want.
  7. You can transfer the file to any computer online or any removable media like a pen drive. Transfer the file to your friend's computer somehow and make sure he runs it.
  8. This would constantly open and close the CD drive of the computer which would frustrate him or her and he or she would have to restart the computer to terminate the program.
  9. A much easier way to terminate the program is by opening the task manager, and under the "processes" tab there's a wscript.exe running. Highlight it and click on "End process" to terminate it.


  • The most used software on a computer is the internet browser so it'd be best to name it "Internet Explorer" or "Chrome" whichever browser your friend uses and change the vbs script icon to the browser icon to trick your friend.
  • If you're feeling particularly annoying, place the file in their startup folder
  • Make sure you copy and paste the program carefully as given.


  • If the user has an antivirus program, it will detect this program and show it to the user as VBS/CDEject.
  • Do not try to add other instructions on the given program without knowing, that could potentially harm your system!
  • If your friend doesn't know what to do, show him or her how to stop it, do not let him or her live with it forever (some people never turns their computer off so the idea of restarting may not come to his or her mind)...

Things You'll Need

  • A computer running Microsoft Windows XP or Vista or 7.
  • The notepad application.
  • An optical drive installed and running on the computer. (CD or DVD or Blu-ray)

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