Start a Relationship from Dating a Stranger

Don't beat around the bush, make it clear what you want from this stranger, you'll be surprised that if you exude confidence and charm, many women are willing to be open.


  1. You can meet someone anywhere.
  2. Walk up to the person you are interested in and talk about random things. Be advised that unless you have some kind of 'something to say', you might frighten who you are talking to.
  3. Build a rapport by flirting a bit...don't go too far.
  4. Sometime during the conversation, exchange names.
  5. Continue flirting. Maintain some eye contact.
  6. Assess whether closing in for their phone number would be ideal.
  7. If ideal, go ahead and see if you can their phone number; ex: Is she flirting back? Has she mentioned a possible boyfriend?
  8. Ask for the number by saying something like: "It was nice meeting you, unfortunately I have to go, but I would really like to continue this conversation. Can I get your number so we can get together sometime."
  9. Proceed to pull out your cellphone, enter her phone number.
  10. Call it so she has yours.
  11. Say good-bye and leave.
  12. Wait for a day.
  13. Call. If no answers, leave a brief but informative message such as:
    • "Hi, it's Tom, we met while we were walking to class. I had a good time talking to you and I'm interested in hearing from you. Give me a call back at (insert time you're not busy) at this number (insert number) I'll talk to you later.
    • Or if your call is answered, "Hey (Mary) it's Tom, we met on the way to class. How are you doing? I don't have much time, but I would like to see you again. I'm going to do lunch today at 3, would you like to join me?" If she says yes, set up a location and time for the lunch meeting.
  14. Dress accordingly and flirt by talking less and asking more questions. You should lightly tease her, and end the meeting early. Do not talk about a second date but end with "I had a good time and I'll call you later."
  15. Call again at your discretion.
  16. Suggest a private meeting next time, such as your place for a movie.
  17. Build more rapport by asking about topics such as her dreams and childhood, talk about how she is unique, look mesmerized and then slowly work into a kiss. Do not have sex, but be intimate.
  18. Repeat steps 13 through 15 and then after a few weeks, ask her out on an "official" date.
  19. Congratulations! You are now "dating" officially.
  20. At this time you may also want to hang out apart from just organized dates (for the sake of hanging out, like with your guy buddies.) At this point, friends of yours and hers meet and mingle and everyone sees you together.
  21. Have a serious discussion on whether you guys should be in a relationship.
  22. The relationship has either started or you're still casually dating. Good for you!


  • Eyes are the best means of communication. You can transfer your feelings to other heart with lovely and romantic expressions within seconds.
  • When you walk up to someone find a reason to talk to them: comment about the weather, something both of you can relate to. Some good example phrases include: "this bus is taking forever"; or "man its cold" etc., very similar to how a comedian changes topics you can go from "this bus is slow"; to "do you live far from here?"; "how many roommates do you have?" to "maybe we can meet again." If you know how to switch up topics, thus keeping their interest, you're more likely to have a good conversation with relationship potential.
  • Never lie just so you can talk to someone. It is a serious turn-off!

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