Take a Bus in Buenos Aires

Traveling Buenos Aires by bus is cheap and fun. Knowing how to do it is a different story.


  1. Find the bus line you need. There are hundreds of them. The 152 is a great line that will take you to many of the best places in the city. But this article is good for any line.
  2. Locate the bus stop. It is a small sign with the number of the bus on it. Do the line if there is a person waiting.
  3. When the bus is getting close, raise your hand as if you were calling a taxi. The bus will stop and open the front door for you.
  4. Always use the front door to enter the bus. Always use the center or back door to get off.
  5. Have your coins ready. Two pesos will take you anywhere. You could also use a pre paid card, but it is not that easy to find.
  6. Tell the driver the ticket you need. You can also say the place you are going to. "La Boca" and "Olivos" are the two ends for the 152 line. Use them if you do not know the ticket price for your trip.
  7. Insert your coins on the machine and get your ticket and your change. You will find it easily, it is a big machine located next to the driver.
  8. The drivers are usually not very friendly people, but any other person will gladly help you. If you have any kind of problem, ask them for help.
  9. When you are close (less than two blocks away) from your stop, press the button next to the exit door. The bus will stop and open the door for you.
  10. Get off the bus and enjoy Buenos Aires!