Get a Seat in a Crowded Bus

In many cities, public transit is the cheapest and easiest way to get around. Buses tend to get very crowded, and nothing is more unpleasant than standing for the whole journey. Getting a seat protects you from getting jostled or pickpocketed, so it's worth learning how to do it!


  1. When you enter the bus, make a mental note of your co-passengers, who are seated. Is anyone sitting forward in his seat, looking anxiously out of the window/or asking directions? That person may be about to alight the bus!
  2. Look out for school/college students by noting their coloured uniforms. They may all alight at a school/college en-route.
  3. If possible, try to observe the ticket that someone is holding, or sticking out of someone's pocket. If you are lucky, you may be able to read the destination printed on it.
  4. If you travel regularly on a particular bus on a particular route, study other regulars and note their destinations.
  5. If someone is reading newspaper/listening to songs on their headphones, watch out when they fold the newspaper/unplug the earphones: they may be getting ready to disembark.


  • Do not jostle others, or try to grab a seat out of your turn
  • Be polite to the elderly and give up your seats for them

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