Talk Through an Argument with a Friend

So you two have had a disagreement which turned into an argument, and then you weren't talking. If you're risking having a falling out, there's no need to throw away your friendship. Just learn to forgive and talk it out!


  1. Ask your friend if he/she would talk for a few minutes. Chances are they'll say yes, unless they are really angry at you. In which case, wait until they are ready.
  2. Ask him/her to explain why she's angry with you. If you understand why she did what she did, you'll find it easier to talk it out.
    • Don't react during this time or spark an argument. Just listen and reflect.
  3. Take your turn. Explain your reasons for doing what you did and apologize straight from the heart. Try not to pin all the blame on him/her, even if it was their fault.
  4. Reflect on the good times together. Remind them of all the fun you had together and how much you valued your friendship with them.
  5. Ask them if they would like to let bygones be bygones and start again. If they say no, then accept this and, as above, wait until they are ready to forgive you. If they say yes, then hug it out.
  6. Try not to talk about the argument too much. If you go on and on about how much they hurt you, your friend may get hurt themselves or tired of hearing it, and you may lose them for good.


  • Don't try to be funny, because this is a serious discussion about you and your ex-friend being friends again.
  • If you admit to yourself that you have done some hurtful things too, it will be easier.
  • They might be reluctant to talk. Just give it time, if you are really friends, then you will make it work eventually.

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