Write Your Crush a Good Valentine's Day Card
It's almost Valentine's Day and you want to give a card to that guy you've been crushing on for a while, but you don't know what to say! Here is what you say, and how to give it to him.
Sample Valentine's Day Cards
Doc:Sweet Valentine's Day Cards,Romantic Valentine's Day Cards
Writing Your Own Valentine's Day Card
- Think about why you like him. Like his eyes? His smile? His funny jokes? Write it down!
- Try to remember when you started liking him. Once you figure that out, write it down.
- Write the card. Take everything you've written down, and arrange it in a way that sounds nice. Then sign it however you like.
- Ask him if he likes you. A Valentine's card is the perfect place to ask if he likes you back, so ask! Don't forget to tell him "Happy Valentine's Day"!
- Work from an example. Sometimes reading a sample of other people's Valentine's cards can help to inspire you! For example:
- Dear _____, I really like you. You are very cute, especially when you are playing football, and are at lunch. I started liking you last year, once it was getting close to Christmas. Do you like me back? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a good Valentine's Day. Love, _______)
- Wait for a reply. Boys can be shy, so don't panic too much if he doesn't reply. At least you've told him the truth! And if he does reply, you know for sure that he likes you back!
Using Poetry
- Write a special poem for your crush. Since it's from you, he'll probably think you're a pretty nice person and want to reply or say he likes you back! Read the wikiHow article on "How to Write a Poem" for some helpful guidelines.
- Use a famous poem. Instead of writing your own poem, you could use the words of a famous writer to express your feelings. Look up poems by people like Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson and Oscar Wilde for inspiration.
- If he does say he likes you back, don't freak out and stay friendly with him.
- Don't feel bad if he doesn't reply.
- Don't go all crazy on the "love" thing. It may freak them out a bit.
- If he doesn't reply, don't get mad at him, and especially don't take it out on your friends or him.
- If you rush into something with him, he will most likely not like you anymore.
- Don't be obsessive. Give him some time to think, because he may not feel the exact same way.
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