Be Messy and Productive

Are you wondering that whole things in your mind are messed up? You want your things to get done, but you don't know how to get started. Being messy is not an issue to deal with, but how to get productive while being messy is what we need to look at. Researchers around the world suggest that"people with messed up table turn out to be more creative and enthusiastic at their work places. lets take a look on the following steps which will yield more productivity. Weather you are messed up Working women, student, professional or business person, this article will help you find ur own ways


Make a Wishlist/ To do things

  1. Make a list of things you need to accomplish. It may be cleaning your house, completing your project or Business. List Should be bulleted and clear which should also tell you the expexted ourcome of that task.

Priortise your List

  1. Set your priorities on that list. Filter the work which is supposed to be more important. Start working from those important tasks and after accomplishing more important task, youy will feel prodective and move toward less important task and get them done!

Limit yourself with Time

  1. Always ensure that each task is to be done in a set of time allocated to it. If point number in your list is to completed in 2 hours than it should be completed within that time limit. This will ensure sureshot productivity.

Always start working tward your list with an expected outcome

  1. set your goals first, what will be the expected result if i will complete this task. For example, if I want to complete a project, what results i want out of it. If i want to clean my room, how i want it to look like after 3 hours of hard work. when u you know what you want out of the work and you know how to do it, then it is easy to get the expoected outcome

Analyse your accomplishments and record your accomplishments through photographs

  1. Always photograph what you have accomplished. Make an album of ur accomplishments. these photographs later will make u motivated and you can use these photographs of your accomplishments to motivate others.

Learn diffrent ways to do same things

  1. To every single problem there are number of solutions. try t finfd out easy ways to get the things done. Try to be little iinnovative and creative. Search internet for help.

Review accomplishments and motivate others with your accomplishments

  1. Lat but not the least is Review, criticise your self and know what your limitations were.


  • Make a listPriotizeLimit it with timeKnow expected outcomeLearn while doingMotivate others with your successPhotograph accomplishments