Be Productive While Entertaining Yourself

Sometimes you have those days when you are just too bored. You can convert your boring day into an awesome one all by yourself, and also get some pretty cool things out of it! Here's how:


  1. Decorate your books. Doodle on everything and let your imagination run wild; just be sure that these are your own books and not books that you have borrowed or have just found.
    • Try using pictures to help you memorise things. If you have something you need to remember for school or work, create a picture-system so that whenever you need to remember, you will think of that picture!
    • Experiment with different styles of art. Try drawing something you wouldn't usually think of.
    • Use doodling to test old pens. Most people have pens lying around all over the place, and it's so frustrating when you pick one up to use it but it no longer works. Doodle with every pen you can find and clear out any bad ones.
  2. Decorate your room. The same old thing can get boring after a while, so make a change!
    • Search Google for inspiration. Is there a certain colour scheme you want? Search for a room like that! Maybe you saw that amazing room on Tumblr and are wishing your bedroom looked as cool as that. Just search for 'Tumblr bedroom'. Don't be afraid to steal a few ideas!
    • Add personal touches. Maybe put up some posters of your favourite artist. This will also make others feel more comfortable when they visit, as straight away they will know something about you.
    • Be original. Everybody has their own taste when it comes to decorating, and whether yours is crazy, vibrant colours or muted, natural tones, you can always find something that you'll love.
  3. Create and decorate clothes. Try making jewelry using items you find around the house, or customizing shirts, bags, or whatever you think you can do.
    • YouTube is full of DIY videos, all about customizing clothing or creating new things! Search it to find exactly what you need.
    • wikiHow can also be extremely helpful if there is a certain thing you want to make or customize. Use the handy search bar at the top to find what you're looking for quickly and efficiently.
  4. Clean your room. Do a full clean-out of everything! Who knows what you might find?
    • Make use of your old things. Turn unwanted items into brand new, cute and funky objects!
    • Donate anything you don't want to charity. In most towns, there are lots of charity shops always willing to accept donations. This is also good, as you can get some fresh air and exercise.
  5. Make bookmarks and other cute stuff you can find.
    • You can use the classic pen and paper, or computer programs to do this. Whichever one works best for you is fine.
    • Consider adding your name and an extra space where you can write the title of the book you're reading. That way, if you find the bookmark lying on the ground, you'll know where it has come from.
  6. Try out new make-up looks. Now's the time to get creative and test what suits you and what doesn't.
    • Use any make-up products you don't use often. Make-up does go out of date eventually, so take the chance to use it when you can.
    • Search for make-up tutorials on YouTube. You can find looks for every occasion, and might just come across something that you'll want to wear in the future! There's no need to stress about make-up when you've already planned ahead.
  7. Decorate your tablet, phone or other device. Use stickers, markers, or anything that you can find!
    • If you don't have a case on your device, you can stick stickers or anything else on the back!
    • Find phone charms and other cute accessories to touch up devices.
  8. Try learning some of a new language.
    • The rarer the language, the more fun! Common languages (like French) can get boring, since a lot of people already know them. However, if you learn a language that nobody you know speaks, it will amaze them!
  9. Read a good book.
    • Admit it, you do have that one book lying around somewhere that you never got around to finishing. Why not finish it now?
    • After you've finished reading, put that bookmark to use! Use it to mark the page you read up to.
  10. Go out and take a walk. You could even meet your friends and go out together.
    • Make plans with your friends beforehand, as they are less likely to be free if you contact them last minute.
    • If you have a dog, go and take it out. This will make life easier later.
  11. Help people.
    • Offer to wash your neighbour's car, help the parent's wash the dishes, help your brother with his maths homework, etc. Doing certain things might even earn you some money.
  12. Cuddle in your bed. This is especially good for when the weather's not so nice!
    • Make a cup of hot cocoa, grab your laptop, listen to music, and unwind. Let go of any stress you have.
    • If you want to be productive, try helping out on a wiki website (like wikiHow). The possibilities are endless on the internet, and this can help to stimulate the brain.


  • Visit different craft stores and buy different things you can do.

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