Be a More Romantic Woman to a Man

The key to being Romantic to a man, is knowing exactly how much you want him. If you are unsure, you will never be able to let go and be comfortable enough with him to give him your all. When you want a man, that feeling comes over you, whenever you see him, your body language automatically changes and everything you do, will be done with passion. He comes home, you will want to take his coat off, just to touch him and stand near enough to smell him. You will want to know how his day has been, preparing his meal will come as a delight, because you will want to keep him happy, all those things are being romantic.


  1. Be honest with him, if he gets you upset, let him know but try not to shout, talk about it, like partners, kissing and making up is very romantic, so if you want to be more romantic, where small things can be forgiven do so.
  2. Simple things such as a massage after work is also romantic. You can get the oils from any chemist or therapy shops for that extra touch. So make yourself pretty, get a comfortable space for him to relax, turn down the lights, or use candles, put on some of his favorite music or movies, and give him a nice long massage, whilst kissing and stroking him every now and again, you may also wish to whisper sweet "nothings" words to him.
  3. Run him a nice bath and offer to bath him is a nice thought. Allowing you both to get very intimate. Wash his hair and rub soap all over his chest.
  4. Occasionally allow him to watch his Favorite sport in the bedroom, and try to be interested in the game, even if it means doing some before hand research to prepare yourself.
  5. Be supportive, if he is passionate about something, encourage him, let him know if he can't do it, no one can, sealed with a kiss.
  6. Arrange romantic trips, cabin breaks, hotel breaks, city breaks. and has wonderful ideas, from day cruises, to cabin breaks, fun and action filled days. This does not have to be all the time, however they do offer very low prices and has amazing 1 for 2 offers available.
  7. Lay in bed with him and just talk or play with each other, without the distraction of technology.
  8. Go for walks, it's healthy, free and provide great bonding time.
  9. If he does sports or is an entertainer, go to some of his games/gigs and cheer for him.
  10. Love him endlessly and let him know it, every time you can, never hold back out of fear he may hurt you, give him your all, remain the woman he fell in love with, always try to keep yourself looking attractive whenever he is around, do the little things you know he likes.

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