Bike Down a Steep Gravel or Dirt Hill

This article will teach you how to safely bike down a steep dirt or gravel hill. This is a basic activity for experienced mountain bikers, but new bikers could wipe out if they do this incorrectly.


  1. Study the hill and find the optimal path with the least obstacles for the descent.
  2. Level your feet on the pedals and place them evenly and horizontal. The advantage of this foot placement is that one foot will not be closer to the ground where it might hit a rock, stump, or other obstacle.
  3. Move your weight towards the back of your bike, by getting out of your seat just a little and shifting your torso back. On an aggressive slope, you will even want to position your butt, over the rear tire of the bike and grip the seat with your legs. By moving your weight back, you will reduce the odds you flip over the handlebars.
  4. Use the rear wheel break (which is on your right hand) to control your speed. Do not over grip the front wheel break (which is on your left hand), as doing so will cause you to flip.Try not to turn and hold the back breaks as this may cause a fall due to drifting.
  5. Avoid dramatic turns or speed changes in gravel. Given the unstable nature of the medium, it's easy to lose your balance.


  • You should always wear a helmet.
  • If there is a ditch at the end of the slope, pull up on your handlebars to guide yourself into and out of the hole.
  • It is far more enjoyable to use a bike with suspension when going doing steep and bumpy hills.


  • Never overuse your front brakes on the hill you could flip your bike and get severe injuries.
  • If you lock up your back brakes you could turn sideways and slide which can be dangerous.
  • Wear proper safety gear!
  • No experienced cyclist would recommend not using the front brake to descend a hill. Both brakes should be used to prevent the bike from skidding, and since the weight is concentrated more on the front wheel when descending, the front brake is used more. If the rider is not confident about using the front brake he/she should practice on shorter or less steep hills until they develop the skill.

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