Build a Bus Stop

Bus stops are a distinctive structure for people to identify the buses that serve that certain location. It may serve as a shelter from rain and other elements or as shade, to waiting commuters.


  1. Find a suitable location. It should be along a road somewhere serviced by several buses and be in a convenient position to both pedestrians and vehicles. Nobody likes a bus stop on a jammed road.
  2. Find the bus services that will serve your bus stop. Check with the companies responsible for operating the public buses in your area.
  3. Build the bus stop. It will take some hard work building a stable structure alone, so get your local construction company at the ready!
  4. Fend off government officials inquiring to why you are building a bus stop. Because seriously, shouldn't bus stops be built by the government? Okay, really? Get a permit.
  5. Convince your bus company to make a stop at your bus stop. This is the most important step of all. After all, what good is a bus stop that has no buses?
  6. Reap the rewards. Although there are no material rewards for building a bus stop, you can always bask in the knowledge that commuters are wasting more time on buses that detour to your stop.

Things You'll Need

  • Building materials

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