Clean Your Teenager's Bedroom

Many teenagers still do not understand how to organize. If you need to throw stuff out of the way to get into your teen's room, then it may be helpful to step in and help them learn how to clean up. A teen's room can get really cluttered; such clutter could cause their grades to drop, increase irritability, and be something that feels as if it's hanging on them. Helping your teens get their room in tip top shape can be a gesture of kindness, provided you go about it properly.


Tackling Feelings First

  1. Go about this with consideration and respect. Most teens will feel as if you are intruding or are going to throw out their belongings, but it's okay. You are only helping them out. Don't be scared of them or what they have in their rooms.
  2. Ask your teenager to help out. This will involve them in the cleaning of their own room and things and it may help them to learn how to continue going about this with ease. Talk them through the reasons why things are done the way they are, and emphasize convenience and speed.

Organizing the Room

  1. Clear the floor space first. Grab the wash basket and toss any dirty clothes into the wash. Next grab the waste paper bin and throw all rubbish into the bin.
  2. Put everything on the bed (light things only). Dust the empty spaces. Dust all of the light items and put them where they should go or look good.
    • Don't throw away anything that may be of value to your teenager. However, if there are things on the bed that they don't need, speak with them and consider throwing things out or having a car boot (trunk) sale. You may consider giving them part of the profit made and it will also help to declutter their room.
  3. Go through every drawer and cabinet and clean it out. Throw away any unnecessary papers and/or items. Make sure that every drawer and cabinet has one category. Don't stuff jewelry with sheets!
  4. Clear places like desks and bed side tables. Clear any cups or plates and put them in the dishwasher. Put all rubbish in the bin, being careful not to throw away important pieces of homework, etc. Then clear things like stationery and books off the desk, filing the books away and putting the stationery into a desk tidy.
  5. Move chairs, boxes, clothes, toys, and other items, and put them on top of the bed, as well.
  6. Put all the items into their rightful places. For example, cupboards, drawers, etc.
    • Get storage boxes and put things from the room in it so that the room will be more relaxing and spaced out. You can also store storage boxes under your teen's bed. If not, try bed risers. If you can see the boxes under the bed, get a matching bed skirt.

Dealing with Clothing and Linens

  1. Take all dirty laundry. Wash it, then take it to the room and hang it up in their wardrobe. Wash sheets, linen, pillows, stuffed animals, etc., too. Then fold them or put them where they go. Place the sheets and linen on the bed and have the teen make the bed.
    • Add pillows and comfy blankets for a cozy feeling.
  2. Throw out any old or not worn clothes and toys. Consider giving them to a charity clean and not worn out or broken.

Cleaning the Room

  1. Vacuum and mop the floor to make it clean.
  2. Get a glass cleaner and clean mirrors and the windows.
  3. Take down any curtains and shake the dust off of them outside. If there are blinds, clean them out with a duster in between.
  4. Dust lamps and lights.
  5. Freshen the room with a natural air freshener.
  6. Talk to your teen about a weekly clean from this point onward. Suggest that they dust, mop, and move things around every week for a cleaner, different room that your teen can enjoy.

Incentivizing Future Cleaning

  1. Help your teen stay organized by making different areas in the room specific to their needs. For example, a study area or a music area. Have them put all of their books in a bookcase. Teach them to sort their clothes by hanging pants together, long sleeve shirts together, etc.
  2. Give your teen a few presents which will help you and them to keep their room tidy. The following items are suggested as helpful, pick and choose what works for you and your teen:
    • A desk tidy: a desk tidy helps to keep stationary organized and a desk clear and neat. You can also get desk tidies for papers so homework can be put into the tidy and kept safe.
    • A bin: A small bin with a lid, to stop odors, can be a life saver. Tell your teenager to put all their rubbish into the bin and you could even give them a small reward for filling the bin with their rubbish.
    • A shoe rack: This can be hidden in the wardrobe, but this can encourage teenagers to keep their shoes together and organized so if they need a pair of shoes they are easy to find.
    • A wash basket: Tell your teenager to put all their washing into the washing basket and like the bin you could give them a small reward for filling the basket.
    • Noticeboard: This helps in organizing your teenager and they can write down any assignments or important dates etc.
    • Bag hanger: All bags will have a place and coats can even be hung up here.
    • A clear cupboard: Tell your teenager to store all their games or other possessions in here to keep the room clean.


  • Put a laundry basket that they like in their room so that your teen stops throwing all the dirty clothes on the floor.
  • Have your teen help you do this. It is their room, and their responsibility. You can help, but they should do most of the work.
  • Don't throw away makeup or accessories because your teen will be upset when you do.
  • Have your teen make their bed every day.
  • To get your teen in the habit of putting his or her belongings away everyday, have them do it for 30 straight days in a row. It will become a habit.[citation needed]
  • Teach your teen how to fold their t-shirts the correct way and put them in a specific drawer.
  • Have your teen dust their picture frames; no one wants a cute picture to fade!
  • If you find strange things in their rooms (awkward pictures, notes, etc.), don't talk to them about it. Throw the item out and forget it ever happened. That way, the teen won't nag at you for cleaning their room out. If they seem upset about the situation, then it is time for a talk.


  • Whilst cleaning don't throw out any of your teenagers important possessions.
  • Don't do this more than five times or your teen may get used to it and stop caring about you and how much work you put into it.
  • If you haven't been in their room for a while, don't freak out at what you find. Just because you find a lighter lying out doesn't mean they smoke marijuana; they probably just like candles. Likewise, if you find pornographic material don't assume that he/she is addicted to sex, if they are 14 or over this is normal and very common.
  • Don't throw away important homework or coursework when clearing your teenagers desk!

Things You'll Need

  • Laundry detergent and fabric softener
  • Laundry basket
  • Air freshener
  • Garbage bag
  • Clean sheets
  • Duster
  • Mop
  • Broom

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