Convince Your Parents to Let You Ride the Bus
Many kids ride the bus home to/from school each day. Some parents would rather not let their kids ride the bus. If you are tired of walking to/from school each day, here are steps to get your parents to let you.
- Ask your parents if you can ride the bus. Make sure you ask them politely. Something like, "Mom (or Dad), could I please ride the bus to/from school?"
- Request that they tell you why not if they say no. Do not make a big fuss if the answer is simply "no" or if they don't give you a reason. Instead, try to have a mature conversation with them about why you want to ride the bus.
- If you are intent in talking to them more, tell them that riding the bus will establish maturity and responsibility in you since you will have to make sure you get to the bus on time.
- Tell them that if you ride the bus, they don't have to drive all the way to your school and pick you up. Not only will this save them time and money on gas, it will help save the environment.
- Give them valid reasons. A good example is, "It will get me home faster so I can get more done." Don't use the old reason, "Because all of the other kids are!" as they will probably say, "Who said you have to be like all of the other kids?!?"
- Say thank you if the answer is yes. You want to make sure that they know you appreciate this permission as it may lead to more permissions in the future. Plus, you don't want them to change their minds after saying yes.
- Remember that when it's nice outside, you should consider walking home.
- Don't throw a temper tantrum if they say no. Accept it.
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