Create Romance Between Two Lovers
Today's society has love portrayed in movies as though it's like changing your socks or using a napkin. The media plays a huge part in romancing two at the same time. We suspect and expect it too often. It's what most of us do, but we keep it our dirty little secret. One lover is sweet, understand and apologetic, while the other can be harsh, short-tempered and always too busy. Since the history of romance, women and men have had a split personality, when it comes to love because it makes you crazy. You believe your lover is cheating...that you aren't enough, when in fact, your better half is only thinking of you. How do you get that other person out of the romance? Who is really the same person or should you keep 'em? Let's romance two lovers. How do you do that? Glad you asked...
- Exchange cell phones every now and then.
- Before marriage see a marriage Counselor. You're talking about sending the rest of your life with this person.
- You must re-invent yourself every now and then.
- Do things together. Join couples groups, retreats, and such like things.
- Do not spend money in both of your budgets without talking it over.
- If they are not around and a decision has to be made, say "no" you can always go back and change it after talking it over.
- Compliment them every time you get a chance.
- Don't lie no matter who it hurts, it will come back face to face.
- Always be on their side or be quiet.
- Suggest therapy together or separately.
- Exchange cell phones every now and then.
- Don't keep bringing up that past.
- Don't keep secrets they will be exposed, let them know yourself.
- Make sure this person is mentally stable.
- Don't stare too much at people you're attracted to
- Listen to what the family and friends say about them.
- Exchange cell phones, get the cell phone by asking.
- Don't make threats like you're going to leave or you want a divorce.