Deal With Your Child Being Expelled From School
Many people fail to realize how damaging it can be for a child to be expelled from school. It is the ultimate rejection; in their minds they are being told that they are so bad that the school will never want to see or look at them again. This can be very hard on the child, even if they pretend they don't care.
- Find out as much information as you can. Ask the school exactly what happened, who was involved, if other children were involved in the situation, if those children were also expelled, if not why not, have other methods of discipline been tried. The more information you can get the better. Don't be afraid to ask for a meeting or call back later for more information. This is your child's future.
- Decide if you are going to appeal the decision. You always have the right to appeal, however, appeals are very rarely successful. Make sure you have a very solid reason why you think this is a miscarriage of justice before you appeal, otherwise the whole situation can become very upsetting.
- Before considering your next step, try to identify the reasons why your child was expelled in the first place. Visit a doctor for a full health evaluation, often health problems or undiagnosed conditions can be to blame. If your child has been expelled for drug use, get them into a rehabilitation program. If they have been expelled for aggression, get them into an anger management program. Undergoing this step will help your child to be re-accepted into another school and will reduce the likelihood of a further expulsion.
- Decide whether your child should continue their education. If they are of compulsory school age they must continue, but if they are post compulsory school age they may prefer to look for a job. However, if they are post compulsory school age but they do want to go on to complete High school, then their decision should be supported.
- If your child has not been expelled from all schools, look for another school. If your state/country allows them to enroll in any school this may be easier (this is the case in Australia). In other countries, you may need to ask the school board to help you find another school. Look for a school that will work for your child. As a rule, small schools often work better. Look for a school that has program's or extra curricular activities or subjects that your child does well at or enjoys. This will help them to settle in. It is best to look for a school with good discipline, but read their policies carefully as some schools overly rely on expulsion to deal with the student problems while others don't.
- Consider enrolling your child in a private school. Even if your child is expelled from all public schools a private school can still accept them. Most private schools won't accept a child who has been expelled, so you will have to shop around to find one that will.
- If your child has been expelled from all schools ask what alternatives are available. Your school district will be the best people to approach.
- Avoid the temptation to homeschool. It rarely works for expelled students: don't allow the board of education to consider this an acceptable alternative. It's like saying that the child's education is now the parent's problem, but it is not. It is the law that the state provides each child with an education.
- Don't panic if your child is expelled multiple times. It can take a while for a child who is expelled to find the right school. Expelled kids often have unique needs; keep at it until you find your magic answer.
- Keep your child involved in lots of extra curricular activities while they are expelled. This ensures that they maintain stimulation, learning, routine and socialization, which will help them transition back into school more easily, and will keep them motivated and engaged in the period where they are not attending school.
- Never give up. Expelled students can go onto be very successful in life once the right support has been found.
- Try to be as calm as possible, throughout the situation.
- Get your child back into school as soon as possible.
- Idle students are far more likely to turn to crime to alleviate boredom.
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