Do Laughter Meditation
Laughter meditation can be a tool to increase your health and happiness. With a little focus and meditation, you will overcome your negative mood and become happy inside.
- Think in the head a minute the mantra "Hee, Hee, Hee". Focus on the head and so resolve the tensions in the head. Move your head a little bit.
- Think several times the mantra "Ha, Ha, Ha" in the chest. Lay your hands on the heart chakra.
- Think "Ho, Ho, Ho" in the stomach and put your hands on your belly.
- Think "Hoo, Hoo, Hoo" in the earth. Lay your hands on the legs and move your feet.
- Make large circles with arms in the air and think several times the mantra "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha". Visualize the cosmos (nature, the world) around you. Think the mantra until you have come in the unity of the cosmos.
- Move a hand in blessing and send all beings light. Think, "I send light to all my friends. May all people be happy. May the world be happy."
- Meditate. Think three times the mantra "Om" in the body. Stop all thoughts. Come to rest.
- Go positive in your day. Ahead with optimism.
- Laughter meditation consists of two steps. First laugh and second come to inner peace. It is helpful to use laughing as a mantra. Laugh in different parts of your body and thus awake the chakras and the kundalini energy. Then the happiness awakes in your inside und you become positive. You see the jokes in the world. Laughter arises in you naturally. You will become a laughing buddha. You will set alight your fellowmen with happiness and good humor.
- The path to enlightenment consists of positive thinking (mental work) and meditation. Positive thinking means to focus on the positives in life. That is the way of mental and physical health. But it does not mean to repress all negative and all problems. We should solve our problems. We should also live our anger and our grief. We can think about our problems at the beginning of the laughter meditation. We express our anger or sadness and then laugh about life. We rise above our problems. We enter into the dimension of the enlightened being, from which arises the laughter by itself. This is the way to lead a happy life.