Do a Half Kickwhip Tailspin on a Kick Scooter

To do this trick you should be able to jump, tailwhip, and tail stand.


  1. Get some speed going.
  2. Then bend your knees and take off your front foot and hold it one inch away from the ground.
  3. Plant your back foot on the ground and with it push yourself up, forward, and into a 180. While doing this kick your back foot out hard enough to send the deck into half a revolution.
  4. You should now be facing the opposite way you started.
  5. Land with one foot on the brake and twist your upper body to any side and your lower body will follow you.
  6. You should now be facing the same way you started.


  • Take care when performing any stunt on a kick scooter; it is easy to injure yourself if you fall or get tangled up in it.

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