Draw in Two Point Perspective

Have you ever wondered how people draw near perfect quadrilateral shapes, like rectangles and squares? Well, now you can too! Just follow the steps below and you'll do it in no time!


  1. Get a fresh, clean piece of paper (any type will do).
  2. Draw a line going from the left to right side of the paper. This acts as a line of horizon. Make sure it's straight, not diagonal or slanted!
  3. On the recently added line, put two dots on it. Anywhere will do, but if you're just starting out keep them slightly far apart.
  4. Somewhere in between these two dots, draw another line going straight down.
  5. From the previous line that you drew, draw two lines on each side of that line. Make them connect with the dots you drew, Left side to right, right side to right.
  6. Use your ruler to put it on the line that goes down from Step 5.
  7. Slide the ruler over either left to right, and then mark it up and down inside those left and right markings you've previously made.
  8. Repeat this action to the side you didn't do. It doesn't have to necessarily have to be a square.
  9. Connect those previously drawn lines (from the last step) to the dots. The line you slid on the left side goes to connect to the RIGHT dot. The line you slid to the right side goes to the LEFT dot.


  • For sharper lines and edges, use a ruler to draw all lines.
  • Remember to draw lightly!
  • Make sure to have an eraser beside you.

Things You'll Need

  • a fresh and clean piece of paper
  • 2B pencil
  • Eraser
  • {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} Ruler

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