Draw a Pencil

Many new artists choose a pencil as a subject. It will take a while to perfect the technique used to draw them, but here is a simple tutorial to help you learn how.


  1. Sketch four even lines, with uneven spacing as shown. They're going diagonally up and to the right in the image shown, but they can point in any direction you want so long as you keep them parallel.
  2. At the top, draw two curved lines for the ferrule (the piece that holds the eraser). Draw a semicircle above that for the eraser.
  3. Draw a triangle at the other end of the pencil and a curved line for the lead. If you want a blunt, well-used pencil, you should round off the tip so it looks as though it's been pressing into a page.
  4. Sketch in quarter circles connecting the lines for the sharpened markings. Put only about three or four so that your pencil still looks realistic.
  5. Outline our pencil and erase overlapping guidelines. Add in a little bit of shadow or extra darkening if you wish.
  6. Color it in and you're done! Use yellow for the body of the pencil, light brown for the tip, and pink for the eraser for a traditional pencil.


  • When you finish the pencil, choose a point where the light is coming from and shade the opposite side. This makes the drawing more realistic.
  • Draw your pencil IN pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.
  • If you want to use markers/watercolors to color your drawing, use paper that is relatively thick and line over your pencil more darkly before doing so.

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