Draw a Farm

Drawing a farm can be quite enjoyable; you just need to keep in mind the kind of elements you would find there! By following this tutorial you can learn how to illustrate a farm in just a few steps.


  1. Create the background. Draw a curve to coming from the right side of your paper and trailing off at the bottom. Then add two more curves over the first, forming a couple of rolling hills.
  2. Draw a stout, arrow-like shape for the front of the barn. Add in a small diamond shape on the left for the wall. At this point your barn won't look like much of anything, but don't worry, it'll start taking shape soon.
  3. Draw two rectangular shapes. One will serve as the door and one for the window of the barn. You can also sketch in extra doors and windows on other parts of the structure, but don't put in too many or it'll look unnatural.
  4. Draw the roof following the image here as a reference. Remember, the roof has to cover the entirety of the barn. Draw a smaller rectangle contained in your window(s) to make a frame, and letter-like outline for the door.
  5. Add details like the grain silos in the back. You could also include some animals around the barn (cows, pigs, sheep, etc.) and some clouds in a clear blue sky.
  6. Color in your drawing. Use blue for the sky, red for most of the barn, white for the details of the door/window, green for the pasture, and yellow for the fields!
  7. Finished.


  • Draw lightly in pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.

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