Draw a Perfect Star
As we all know, stars are large masses of hot, glowing plasma floating in outer space that use gravity to maintain their gaseous state. However, as a graphic icon, the star is an image with five pointed tips. Below are two ways to draw this pointy representation of a star (plus an additional alternative method). Pick which one works best for you!
Easy Method
- Draw a pentagon as a guide.
- You can easily draw a pentagon using a template ruler.
- Connect every other vertex with a straight line.
- Erase the guides and excess lines and you get your perfect star!
- For the second method you'll need a protractor. First, draw a circle, and a cross over it. From the top axis, measure 72 degrees with your protractor and draw a guideline from the center to that point in the circle.
- Keep doing so using the last guideline you drew as base. You should end up with five guidelines, including the first axis guide.
- Draw straight lines connecting every other intersection between the guidelines you got and the circle. Then erase the inside lines.
- Now just paint or colour your perfect star with the color you prefer!
Alternate Method
- Draw a regular pentagon. Pentagons have five equal sides and an interior angle of 108 degrees for each side. You could draw one using a protractor.
- Label each side ABCDE as shown.
- Now connect A to D, D to B, B to E, E to C and C to A.
- Erase the pentagon and the inside lines of the star if you want and outline the star.
- Color the star and you're done! You've just drawn a perfect star!
- Consider this alternate method: extend each side of the pentagon outwards until they meet another extended side line. Continue until all lines are extended.
- Use pencil to make the guidelines; that way you can easily erase any excess later.
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